Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît! Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 22 janvier 2018 En cas Selon le Sankei Shimbun, un Japonais enlevés par la Corée du Nord, car il est « un crime contre l'humanité » par Kim Jong-un des tra

<Publipostage> Aidez-moi s'il vous plaît!

Cher Monsieur ou Premier Ministre français Eduard Philip 22 janvier 2018
En cas
Selon le Sankei Shimbun, un Japonais enlevés par la Corée du Nord, car il est « un crime contre l'humanité » par Kim Jong-un des travailleurs coréens du président du parti, et victimes d'enlèvement, famille et al., « Disparition spécifique » qui ne peut pas exclure la possibilité d'enlèvement est aux Pays-Bas Le 18 février, j'ai appris que la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) de La Haye assumerait la responsabilité de Kim Jong-in et enquêterait sur les sanctions.
En cas
(ICC) couvre les crimes individuels. Il n'y a aucune preuve que le criminel d'enlèvement illégal et de détention contre la victime d'enlèvement japonaise est Kim Jong-il. L '"Association japonaise pour les abductés" est nommée par le ministre du gouvernement japonais et est soutenue par d'énormes fonds. Cela ressemble à un spectacle politique. (ICC) conformément aux dispositions de (ICC). Par définition, (ICC) ne sera pas en mesure d'enquêter. Le gouvernement japonais essaie de déplacer (ICC) avec un soutien financier à (ICC) comme un bouclier, mais c'est étrange.
L '«association des victimes d'enlèvement» a également demandé une coopération sur le crime décrit ci-dessous, mais l'a ignoré. Il n'y a pas de "bon" "mauvais" pour la détention par enlèvement illégal. Le gouvernement japonais, si vous voulez ouvrir les japonais en Corée abductees Nord, arrêter le confinement d'enlèvement illégal que le premier a été le gouvernement japonais, il est de faire une reprise, etc. de présenté ses excuses à l'honneur des victimes. La plupart des victimes de l'enlèvement illégal par le gouvernement japonais sont des étrangers et le nombre est innombrable.
La Maison Blanche rapporte qu'elle enquête prudemment, mais le gouvernement français recommande également à la CPI la question de la détention illégale d'enlèvements du gouvernement japonais sur la Loi sur l'immigration et condamne le gouvernement japonais.

Premier ministre Eduard Philip, "S'il vous plaît aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît faites du Japon un pays régi par la loi"
J'espère avoir du soutien pour le «crime contre l'humanité». Appliqué sur un « crime contre l'humanité » est de ces règlements, dans le cadre d'une attaque contre la population civile de celles généralisées ou systématiques, fait référence à tout acte de ce qui suit pour effectuer tout en reconnaissant qu'une telle attaque . Mon appel relève de ce qui suit.
e) privation significative de la détention et d'autres libertés physiques en violation des règles fondamentales du droit international
Les règles de base du droit international visent spécifiquement les éléments suivants.
Le Japon est également ratification "le Pacte international relatif aux droits civils droits et politiques" à laquelle l'article 2 (1) (3), l'article 4 (1), l'article 5 (2), l'article 9 (1) (5) , l'article 13, l'article 14 (6), l'article 15 (1), l'article 16, l'article 17, l'article 26.
Au-dessus, il est clairement contraire, pas être accusé, non seulement la Constitution et la loi, est un crime contre la loi internationale. Ces criminels sont des policiers, des procureurs et des juges. Et ils sont avocats. C'est exactement un crime d'une nation.
En réponse à ces crimes illégaux d'inégalité nationale, les citoyens et les étrangers n'ont pas à faire. Si nous insistons sur le droit international contre le pouvoir, il n'y a que le terrorisme. De nombreuses victimes d'étrangers se produisent également aujourd'hui. S'il vous plaît laissez la CPI enquêter! Veuillez également prendre connaissance de l'ordre du jour de l'ONU, du G7, du G20 et d'autres.
Les documents à soumettre à la CPI sont ci-dessous.


Son Excellence Edouard Phillip, Gunbare!
Et s'il vous plaît aidez-nous! Sincèrement vôtre.

Yasuhiro Nagano


<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Exzellenz 22. Januar 2018

<Öffentliche Post> Bitte hilf mir!

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Bundespräsidentin Angela Merkel Exzellenz 22. Januar 2018

Gemäß der Sankei Shimbun, einem japanischen von Nordkorea entführt, da es „ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit“ ist von Kim Jong-un koreanischen Arbeiterpartei Vorsitzender und Entführungsopfer, Familie et al., ‚Specific Verschwinden‘, die nicht die Möglichkeit einer Entführung ausgeschlossen werden kann, ist die Niederlande an den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in den Haag (ICC), dass die Petition zu an Verantwortlichkeit und Bestrafung solcher Untersuchungen übernehmen sollen von Herrn Kim Jong-un 18 Tage ist, wurde festgestellt.
Für den Fall
(ICC) umfasst einzelne Verbrechen. Es gibt keine Hinweise darauf, dass Kriminelle illegale Verschleppung Haft japanischen Entführten angenommen wird Kim Seion sein. Die "Japanische Vereinigung für Entführte" wird vom zuständigen Minister der japanischen Regierung ernannt und wird durch riesige Geldmittel unterstützt. Es scheint wie eine politische Show. (ICC) gemäß den Bestimmungen von (ICC). Per Definition kann (ICC) nicht untersuchen. Die japanische Regierung versucht mit finanzieller Unterstützung (ICC) als Schutzschild (ICC) zu handeln, aber es ist seltsam.
Die "Vereinigung der Entführungsopfer" bat ebenfalls um Zusammenarbeit bei der unten beschriebenen Straftat, ignorierte sie jedoch. Es gibt kein "gut", "schlecht" für illegale Entführungshaft. Die japanische Regierung, wenn man die japanische Entführten in Nordkorea, stoppt die illegale Verschleppung Haft öffnen will, die zuerst die japanische Regierung gewesen ist, ist es eine Erholung zu tun, usw. von dem Opfer Ehre entschuldigt. Die meisten Opfer der illegalen Entführungshaft durch die japanische Regierung sind Ausländer und die Zahl ist zahllos.
Obwohl das Weiße Haus eine sorgfältige Untersuchung sein, auch die Bundesregierung berichtet wird, empfohlen, das illegale Verschleppung Haft Problem der japanischen Regierung über die Immigration Control Act zum ICC und bitte die japanischen Regierung zu verurteilen.

Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel: "Bitte helfen Sie mir! Bitte machen Sie Japan zu einem gesetzlich geregelten Land."
Ich hoffe auf Unterstützung mit "Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit". Angewandt auf ein „Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit“ ist dieser Vorschriften als Teil eines Angriffs gegen die Zivilbevölkerung verbreitet oder systematischer, bezieht sich auf jede Handlung der folgenden auszuführen, während die einen solchen Angriff zu erkennen . Meine Berufung fällt unter folgendes.
(e) erheblicher Entzug der Haft und anderer körperlicher Freiheiten unter Verletzung der Grundregeln des Völkerrechts
Die Grundregeln des Völkerrechts zielen insbesondere auf Folgendes ab.
Japan ist auch "der Internationalen Pakt über bürgerliche Rechte und politische Rechte" Ratifizierung auf die Artikel 2 (1) (3), Artikel 4 (1), Artikel 5 (2), Artikel 9 (1) (5) Artikel 13, Artikel 14 Absatz 6, Artikel 15 Absatz 1, Artikel 16, Artikel 17, Artikel 26.
Mehr noch, es ist eindeutig dagegen, es wird nichts kriminalisiert, es ist ein Verbrechen gegen das Völkerrecht sowie gegen die japanische Verfassung und das japanische Recht. Diese Kriminellen sind Polizeibeamte, Staatsanwälte und Richter. Und sie sind Anwälte. Es ist genau ein Verbrechen einer Nation.
Als Reaktion auf diese illegalen Verbrechen der nationalen Ungleichheit müssen Bürger und Ausländer nicht tun. Wenn wir auf dem internationalen Gesetz gegen die Macht bestehen, gibt es nur einen Terrorakt. Viele Opfer von Ausländern treten heute auch auf. Bitte lassen Sie ICC untersuchen! Bitte nehmen Sie auch die Tagesordnung in den UN, G7, G20 und anderen auf.
Dokumente, die dem ICC vorgelegt werden sollen, sind unten aufgeführt.


Angela Merkels Exzellenz Gambare, und bitte hilf uns!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

Name Yasuhiro Nagano



<Public mail> Please help me! Dear Sir By President Tramp President Today, I am the second mail. 2018-01-22: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law aiding violation incidents" NO: 16 In case In Japan, the fact that judicial admin

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir By President Tramp President Today, I am the second mail.

2018-01-22: Today's explanation is "illegality of mistake applying law
aiding violation incidents" NO: 16

In case
In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is totally different
from "governance under the law" proposed by Prime Minister Abe is stated.

Japan needs "governance under the law".

In Japan, like this case,
"Criminal offense against applicable law" is a routine event.
Because it is a human, there are errors.

If you apologize, restore honor and compensate you,
it can be said that governance under the law is done.

However, the act of crushing the case is not governance under the law.

It is an act equal to terrorism.

This is the fact of Japan's justice. Help me!

We have already filed complaints (information notices) to ICC,
but please also support international society.

And please also press the ICC to investigate this issue with top priority
in solving the terrorism problem and the abduction issue of North Korea.

If you are a media etc., please check the logic of the stated law and report the facts.

And please do campaign so that the Japanese government will do "rule under the law"!

Children can understand the logic of law.
I do not need interpretation in this description.
It is as described in Immigration Law.

I sent this e-mail to many people, and published it with many programs and SNS.

Let's eliminate terrorism from the world this year alone.
To that end, let's condemn the unreasonable act.

Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

Last time, No: 15 is the continuation.

A policeman by interrogation admitted in the general theory.
The prosecutor will compel a confession by saying,
"I am great, I admit it if I admit it,
I am imprisoned if I do not accept it."

Even at trial, the prosecutor asserts that the deposit to "Lefko"
of the transfer name "Kin" is a reward from "Kin Gungaku".

For Chinese, cash payment is common sense for these payments.
Indeed it is asserted that it is not 100% to do the transfer
by bank transfer only with "family name = family name".

The Chinese are always "family name / first name".

In fact, there are many things that I want to argue as false in facts,
but I am not pursuing this kind of thing,
but pursuing to be governed under the law established by the Diet in Japan is.

There are two mistakes appealing in this case.

1. That the Chinese and the Philippines who worked non-resident status is the fact,
in this case, and that worked, but must be disposed of equally worked person,
a person who worked illegally, of Article 73 At 2
I have not disposed anything. If it is, the alien worked is innocent.
This is equal under the law, it is the rule of international law.

2. I am applying the criminal law aiding criminal law against illegal employment
because I am providing a false employment contract to me
and the staff of the Philippine Embassy, ​​
but it is a mistake in applicable law.
The aid of submitting false documents is an act of assisting the cancellation
of the status of residence of the Immigration Act.

I can not do criminal disposition.

It is completely different from President Trump 's legitimate immigration policy,
treatment of illegal immigrants by Japanese judiciary.

Please appeal to the whole country that treatment of Japanese immigrants is crazy.

Next time, I will continue with No: 17.

Illegal abduction detention (violation of applicable law)
by the Japanese government is an international "humanitarian crime"!
I'd like to ask the President. Documents to be submitted to ICC are below.

please confirm.
Best regards.

(This message is sent not only to President Trump,
but also to the world media etc.)

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!



<Public mail> Please help me! Dear Sir By President Tramp President Today, I am the first mail. 2018-01-22: Today's topic is: "If you want North Korea to open Japanese victims of abduction, first stop the illegal abduction detention held by the Japan

<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir By President Tramp President Today, I am the first mail.

2018-01-22: Today's topic is: "If you want North Korea to open Japanese victims of abduction,
first stop the illegal abduction detention held by the Japanese government,
apologize to the victims, restore honor, etc. It is to do. "

The content of the e-mail today is as follows.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!

In case
According to the Sankei Shimbun,
the abduction of Japanese by North Korea is said to be "a crime against humanity" by Kim Jong-Il,
chairperson of the Korean Workers' Party Kim Jong Il,
and families of abductees and "specific missing people"
who can not eliminate the possibility of abduction are in Netherlands On February 18,
I learned to allege that the international criminal court (ICC)
of The Hague will undertake responsibility for Kim Jong-in and investigate for punishment.

In case
(ICC) covers individual crimes.
There is no evidence that criminal of illegal abduction
and detention against Japanese abductee victim is Kim Jong-il.

The "Japanese Association for Abductees" is appointed
by the Japanese Government Minister in charge and is supported by huge amounts of funds.

It seems like a political show.

(ICC) in accordance with the provisions of (ICC).

By definition, (ICC) will not be able to investigate.

The Japanese government is trying to move (ICC) with financial support to (ICC) as a shield,
but it is strange.

The "abduction victims' association" also asked for cooperation on the crime described below,
but ignored it. There is no "good" "bad" for illegal abduction detention.

The Japanese government is to stop the illegal abduction detention held
by the Japanese government,
apologize to the victims and restore honor
if we want North Korea to open the Japanese abductee victims.

Most of the victims of the illegal abduction detention
by the Japanese government are foreigners and the number is countless.

Although it is reported that the White House is investigating cautiously,
please advise the ICC to illegal kidnapping detention problem
of the Japanese government concerning Immigration Control Act,
and condemn the Japanese government.

Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.

Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!




Thank you freedom and democracy

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-01-20c 】

West Wing Reads |


Life Is Winning in America

In National Review, Vice President Mike Pence writes that “since the outset of this administration, we’ve taken historic action to protect the most vulnerable in our society.”

“In short, life is winning in America again,” the Vice President Pence explains. “It’s winning because of the policies of our administration, and because of the commitment and compassion of those who gather today in our nation’s capital, and in marches, meetings, and homes all across the country.”

Click here to read more.


CNBC reports that the “Dow has surged more than 31 percent since Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017.” President Trump has “lifted the Dow Jones industrial average in his first year in office more than any other president since Franklin Roosevelt,” Fred Imbert writes.


Dave Boyer writes in The Washington Times that “one year since Mr. Trump’s inauguration, it looks very much like the economy is lifting off.” Boyer explains “President Trump marks his first year in office Saturday riding a wave of strong economic news, including a record-high stock market, a low unemployment rate and computer giant Apple’s decision to bring back hundreds of billions of dollars from overseas and create 20,000 U.S. jobs, spurred by Republican tax cuts.”


In The Hill, Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY), writes that “under President Trump’s leadership, we have seen explosive economic growth, and now the pump is primed for further economic expansion with our tax reform legislation and the repeal of hundreds of job killing regulations.” Rep. Collins adds that "this once-in-a-generation reform was a tall order, but we owe it to President Trump for being what we elected him to be, a successful CEO.”


Washington Examiner highlighted Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ new national defense strategy, “We are emerging from a period of strategic atrophy,” Sec. Mattis declared today. “This is a great strategy. It gives new credibility to the U.S. military's longstanding mission: that, ‘should deterrence fail, the joint force is prepared to win,’” Tom Rogan writes.




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Thank you freedom and democracy 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-01-20b 】 Your 1600 Daily:   The 45th March for Life

Thank you freedom and democracy

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-01-20b 】


Your 1600 Daily:


The 45th March for Life
Thirty-eight years ago, Nellie Gray left her job as a Labor Department attorney to start a small nonprofit organization. Today, that group—the March for Life Education and Defense Fund—is responsible for organizing the largest annual pro-life rally in the world.

President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will join the event via video satellite from the White House Rose Garden this afternoon.

Last year, an estimated 500,000 people attended the march to support a cause that has grown immensely since the first event in 1974. The annual trek along the National Mall to the U.S. Capitol is the most visible symbol of March for Life's vision: "a world where every human life is valued and protected."

Watch live at 12:15 p.m. ET.

A month after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law on December 22. Yesterday, he traveled to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to talk about the impact the legislation has had in just a few short weeks.

The stories keep rolling in. More than 2 million American workers have gotten a “Trump bonus” or “Trump pay raise.” The net tax burden on American families has fallen by $3.2 trillion. Chrysler has announced that it will move truck production from Mexico back to the United States.

H&K Equipment, where the President spoke yesterday, is investing back into its own company at a rate 50 percent higher than last year—and directly credits tax cuts for providing them with the ability to expense 100 percent of the investments they make in new equipment.

Watch President Trump tour the H&K Equipment Company in Pittsburgh.

A year to remember
Tomorrow marks one full year since Donald J. Trump swore the oath of office on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to become the 45th President of the United States.

Today’s ceremony . . . has very special meaning,” President Trump told the country. “Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.”

In the year since, President Trump has met with thousands of Americans from coast to coast, hosted numerous foreign dignitaries in Washington, and traveled to 13 foreign countries to represent the United States abroad.

Watch: President Trump’s first year—in 3 ½ minutes.

Bonus: See the full list of the Trump Administration’s year one accomplishments.

Photo of the Day

President Donald J. Trump at the Pentagon | January 18, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)


Today, President Trump will address March for Life Participants and pro-life leaders in the Rose Garden. Later, the President will meet with his national security team.

In the evening, the Vice President and Second Lady will depart Washington, D.C., on Air Force Two en route to Clare, Ireland for a refueling stop before arriving in Cairo, Egypt.




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Thank you freedom and democracy 【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-01-20a 】 West Wing Reads |   Jobless claims drop to lowest level in nearly 45 years

Thank you freedom and democracy

【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-01-20a 】

West Wing Reads |


Jobless claims drop to lowest level in nearly 45 years

Washington Examiner reports that “new applications for unemployment insurance benefits plunged by 41,000 to 220,000 in the second week of 2018, the Labor Department reported Thursday”—the lowest level they’ve reached in nearly 45 years. “Low jobless claims are a good sign because they suggest that layoffs are relatively scarce,” Joseph Lawler writes.

Click here to read more.


According to Federal Reserve data reported by Bloomberg, “U.S. factory production rose for a fourth straight month in December, capping the strongest quarter since 2010 and underscoring a resurgence in manufacturing that’s primed for further advances.” What’s driving the uptick? “Stronger consumer spending, increased business investment and more shipments of merchandise to overseas customers are providing plenty of fuel for the nation’s producers,” Katia Dmitrieva writes.


Christopher Buskirk writes in USA Today that President Donald J. Trump’s first year in office has been a story of promises kept. “By every measure of personal and national prosperity, the nation is better off than it was a year ago, and it's thanks to the integrity of our leader,” Buskirk writes.


In Washington Examiner, Paul Bedard explains that Budget Director Mick Mulvaney is looking out for American taxpayers as he skips “the usual ask for millions of dollars to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau he is temporarily running.” Bedard writes that this move is “just the latest one by Mulvaney to lead the administration’s efforts to cut spending, trim waste, reduce regulations and slim down the federal workforce.”



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