Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-10-10: The Japanese government "demands" the North Korean government to "open up" Japanese abductee victims. Before that, the Japanese government should "open up" the Japanese governmen


Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. "A smart person" can understand by only seeing the following.
Please see the "indictment letter" published on the Web and Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act,
Article 70 of the Immigration Act, and Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
I am applying "crime to support other crimes" of "criminal law"
for reasons of article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act.
The Japanese government punishes foreigners
by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "illegal work due to activities outside the status
of qualification". Employers who employ foreigners illegally are not punished
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminated against foreigners.
Therefore foreigners are innocent.
Foreigners can not work unless there is anything to hire!
Everyone please open your eyes and see! This can be understood even
by "monkey"! With this,
you can make a fool of the Japanese judiciary.

It is the continuation from the previous day.
"Crime for assistance" for illegal employment
of the Immigration Control Act is not "crime to support other crimes" of "criminal law"
but "crime that promotes illegal employment" is "enacted"
in Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act It should be "completed" by applying this law.
However, contrary to the "legislative purpose" of the Diet,
we arrested and captured only foreigners illegally without "punishing" the business operators.
It is a violation of international law to "punish" only foreigners "arbitrarily"
for "illegal labor crime" of Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act.
Japan has done such illegal "judicial administration" for many years.

The Japanese government is not entitled to the "North Korean government
to say" a Japanese abduction case "!
The North Korean government should tell the Japanese government!
Open up "foreign abductee victim" in Japan!
"Recovery of honor" and "compensation for damages" should be done against past victims!
The North Korean government! Ganbare! Let's support the North Korean government!
The media of the international community should report the facts!
I will continue even tomorrow.

Before the Japanese government talks about the "Japanese abduction issue"
by the North Korean government, the Japanese government should resolve the "abduction problem
of foreigners" first.
The Japanese government is not entitled to instruct foreign governments "respect
for human rights". Japan should respect "human rights".
The Japanese government is not entitled to instruct a foreign government "governance
under the law". Japan should "rule under the law".
I am a "victim" of "Violation of Immigration Control Act".
I "demand" "recovery of honor" and "compensation for damages".
Foreigners' "victims" can not count.
It is the task of "ICC" to "investigate and punish" crimes
of individuals who violate basic international law.
I e-mailed the "document" of "complaint" to the ICC.
And everyday I'm sending these 'supplementary' materials' to ICC.
Everyone please go campaign to "Pursue" the Japanese government.
Please request ICC for "prompt investigation."
I testify at any time.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!




Thank you freedom and democracy【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-10-09】



October 8, 2018


Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.


The Office of Presidential Correspondence



Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.




<Öffentliche Post> #MeToo Menschenrechtsopfer! Angela Merkel an den Bundesminister der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2018-10-09: Viele Ausländer wurden von der japanischen Regierung "entführt und eingesperrt". Viele Ausländer werden freigelassen, aber sie


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin Japaner. "Eine kluge Person" kann verstehen, indem sie nur Folgendes sieht.
Siehe den "Anklagebrief", der im Internet veröffentlicht wurde, und Artikel 22-4-4 des Einwanderungsgesetzes, Artikel 70 des Einwanderungsgesetzes und Artikel 73-2 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes.
Ich lege aus Gründen des Artikels 22-4-4 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Verbrechen" des "Strafrechts" an.
Die japanische Regierung bestraft Ausländer mit Artikel 70 des Immigration Control Act "illegale Arbeit wegen Aktivitäten außerhalb des Status der Qualifikation".
Arbeitgeber, die Ausländer illegal beschäftigen, werden nicht nach Artikel 73-2 des Zuwanderungsgesetzes bestraft.
Dies ist ein völkerrechtlicher Verstoß, der Ausländer diskriminiert. Deshalb sind Ausländer unschuldig.
Ausländer können nicht arbeiten, es sei denn, es gibt etwas zu mieten!
Jeder bitte öffne deine Augen und sieh zu! Dies kann sogar von "Affen" verstanden werden!
Damit können Sie die japanische Justiz zum Narren halten.

Es ist die Fortsetzung vom Vortag.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft nennt im "Anklageschrift" "Grund des Verbrechens".
Wir sagen, dass wir den Chinesen "Vertragsdokumente der falschen Beschäftigung" gegeben haben.
Dieser Vorfall streitet nur dafür! ! !

Ich kämpfe nicht, auch wenn mir gesagt wird, dass "das Arbeitsdokument des Vertrags", das den Chinesen gegeben wurde, "falsch" war.
Weil es eine Handlung ist, die keine "Strafe" erhält, auch wenn sie falsch ist.
Ich "behaupte" nur in der "Rechtstheorie".
Ich glaube an "Governance unter dem Gesetz".

Dieser "Hinweis" bezieht sich auf "Aufhebung des Aufenthaltsstatus durch Einreichung falscher Dokumente" in Artikel 22-4-4 des Immigration Control Act,
Es ist "Akt", der "unterstützt".
In der Tat,
An die Chinesen, die "Justizminister" "Immigration Bureau" "falsche Arbeitsvereinbarung" vorgelegt
Es ist "Gesetz", den "Aufenthaltsstatus" zu "annullieren".
Da ich nichts mit "Tat" zu tun habe, um illegale Arbeit zu "unterstützen"
Zu behaupten, dass es nicht durch "Verbrechen zur Unterstützung anderer Verbrechen", die im "Strafgesetzbuch" vorgeschrieben sind, "entsorgt" werden kann.
Die Anklage "entlässt" sie jedoch.

Anwälte der "Demokratischen Partei" sind "Sondergesetze, die Tatsachen vorschreiben"
Wir sagen, dass "allgemeines Recht" Vorrang haben wird.
Japanische Anwälte sind verrückt! Lasst uns diese Geschichte "verbreiten"!

Schließlich scheint Japan "nicht unter dem Gesetz zu regieren"
Auch wenn es gesagt wird, dass es "persönliche Logik" als einer der Bürger ist, werde ich auf "Verletzung des geltenden Rechts" bestehen.
Ich hoffe, baldmöglichst ein "regiertes Land" mit der "Verfassung Japans" und dem "Völkerrecht, das ratifiziert hat" und "Recht" zu werden.
Jeder, bitte hör zu. Bitte "unterstützen".

Die japanische Regierung ist nicht qualifiziert, der nordkoreanischen Regierung "einen japanischen Entführungsfall" zu sagen!
Die nordkoreanische Regierung sollte es der japanischen Regierung sagen!
Die japanische Regierung sollte die "Entführten von Ausländern" "freilassen", die illegal verhaftet und inhaftiert wurden!
"Wiedererlangung der Ehre" und "Schadensersatz" sollte gegen "vergangene Opfer" erfolgen!
Die nordkoreanische Regierung! Ganbare! Jeder sollte die nordkoreanische Regierung "unterstützen"!
Die Medien der internationalen Gemeinschaft sollten die Fakten "melden"!

Ich werde auch morgen weitermachen.

Bevor die japanische Regierung das "japanische Entführungs-Problem" der nordkoreanischen Regierung sagte,
Das Problem der "Entführung von Ausländern" der japanischen Regierung sollte zuerst gelöst werden.
Die japanische Regierung ist nicht berechtigt, ausländischen Regierungen "Achtung der Menschenrechte" anzuweisen.
Japan sollte "Menschenrechte" respektieren.
Die japanische Regierung ist nicht berechtigt, eine ausländische Regierung "die Regierung unter dem Gesetz" zu beauftragen.
Japan sollte "unter dem Gesetz" regieren.
Ich bin ein "Opfer" des "Verstoßes gegen das Einwanderungskontrollgesetz".
Ich "fordere" "Wiederherstellung der Ehre" und "Schadensersatz".
Ausländer "Opfer" können nicht zählen.
Es ist die Aufgabe von "ICC", Verbrechen von Personen zu untersuchen und zu bestrafen, die gegen das Völkerrecht verstoßen.
Ich habe das "Dokument" der "Beschwerde" per E-Mail an den ICC geschickt.
Und jeden Tag sende ich diese "ergänzenden" Materialien an ICC.
Jeder bitte gehen Sie Kampagne, um die japanische Regierung "zu verfolgen".
Bitte fordern Sie ICC für "sofortige Untersuchung" an.
Ich bezeuge jederzeit.
Die japanische Regierung "zerquetscht" Beschwerden.
Aber "verknallt" durch staatliche Macht ist "Stop" von "Verjährung".

Das Material ist unten.

Bitte mailen Sie mir, wenn Sie Einwände haben.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Yasuhiro Nagano

Meine Informationen ***************

Es ist offen für das Programm unten.

(Yasuhiro Nagano)

Kontakt E-Mail


<Courrier public> #MeToo Victime des droits de l'homme! À Emmanuel · Président français Macron 2018-10-09: De nombreux étrangers ont été "enlevés et emprisonnés" par le gouvernement japonais. De nombreux étrangers sont libérés, mais ils devraient recou


Chers Messieurs, je suis japonais. "Une personne intelligente" peut comprendre en ne voyant que ce qui suit.
Veuillez vous reporter à la "lettre d'accusation" publiée sur le Web et aux articles 22-4-4 de la loi sur l'immigration, 70 (de la loi sur l'immigration) et 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration.
J'applique "crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes" de "droit pénal" en vertu de l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration.
Le gouvernement japonais punit les étrangers en vertu de l'article 70 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration "du travail illégal dû à des activités ne relevant pas du statut qualifié".
Les employeurs qui emploient des étrangers illégalement ne sont pas punis par l'article 73-2 de la loi sur l'immigration.
Il s'agit d'une violation du droit international discriminatoire à l'égard des étrangers. Par conséquent, les étrangers sont innocents.
Les étrangers ne peuvent pas travailler sauf s’il ya quelque chose à embaucher!
Tout le monde s'il vous plaît ouvrez les yeux et voir! Cela peut être compris même par "singe"!
Avec cela, vous pouvez vous moquer de la justice japonaise.

C'est la suite de la veille.

L'accusation déclare "raison du crime" dans le "document d'accusation".
Nous disons que nous avons donné aux Chinois "des documents contractuels de faux emploi".
Cet incident ne fait que lutter pour cela! ! !

Je ne me bats pas même s'il est dit que "le document contractuel d'emploi" remis aux Chinois était "faux".
Parce que c'est un acte qui ne reçoit pas de "punition" même s'il est faux.
Je ne "revendique" que dans "la théorie juridique".
Je crois en "la gouvernance sous la loi".

Ce "signalé" fait référence à "l'annulation du statut de résidence par la présentation de faux documents" à l'article 22-4-4 de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration,
C'est "acte" qui "soutient".
En fait
Aux Chinois qui "le ministre de la Justice" ont soumis le "faux contrat de travail" au bureau de l'immigration
C'est "loi" pour "annuler" le "statut de résidence".
Depuis que je n'ai rien à voir avec "acte" pour "soutenir" le travail illégal "
Affirmer qu'il ne peut être "éliminé" par "un crime pour soutenir d'autres crimes" prévu dans le "Code pénal".
Cependant, l'accusation "le rejette".

Les avocats du "parti démocrate" sont "des lois spéciales qui stipulent des faits"
Nous disons que le "droit général" aura préséance.
Les avocats japonais sont fous! Let's "répandre" cette histoire!

Après tout, le Japon semble "ne pas être régi par la loi"
Même si on me dit que c'est une "logique personnelle" en tant que citoyen, je vais insister sur "la violation du droit applicable".
J'espère devenir un "pays gouverné" le plus rapidement possible avec la "Constitution du Japon", le "droit international ratifié" et le "droit".
Tout le monde, s'il vous plaît écoutez. S'il vous plaît "support".

Le gouvernement japonais n'est pas qualifié pour dire "un cas d'enlèvement japonais" au gouvernement nord-coréen!
Le gouvernement nord-coréen devrait le dire au gouvernement japonais!
Le gouvernement japonais devrait "libérer" les "personnes enlevées des étrangers" illégalement arrêtées et détenues!
Le "recouvrement de l'honneur" et le "dédommagement des dommages" devraient être faits contre les "victimes passées"!
Le gouvernement nord-coréen! Ganbare! Tout le monde devrait "soutenir" le gouvernement nord-coréen!
Les médias de la communauté internationale devraient "rendre compte" des faits!

Je continuerai même demain.

Avant que le gouvernement japonais a déclaré la "question des enlèvements japonais" par le gouvernement nord-coréen,
Le problème "d'enlèvement d'étrangers" du gouvernement japonais devrait être réglé en premier.
Le gouvernement japonais n'a pas le droit de demander aux gouvernements étrangers "le respect des droits de l'homme".
Le Japon devrait respecter les "droits de l'homme".
Le gouvernement japonais n'est pas autorisé à donner instruction à un gouvernement étranger de "gouverner selon la loi".
Le Japon devrait "se conformer à la loi".
Je suis "victime" de "violation de la loi sur le contrôle de l'immigration".
Je "demande" un "recouvrement d'honneur" et un "dédommagement des dommages".
Les "victimes" des étrangers ne peuvent pas compter.
La "CPI" a pour tâche "d'enquêter et de punir" les crimes de personnes qui violent le droit international fondamental.
J'ai envoyé le "document" de "plainte" par courrier électronique à la CPI.
Et chaque jour, j'envoie ces documents "supplémentaires" à la CPI.
Tout le monde s'il vous plaît aller campagne pour "poursuivre" le gouvernement japonais.
Veuillez demander à la CPI "une enquête rapide".
Je témoigne à tout moment.
Le gouvernement japonais "écrase" les plaintes.
Mais "écraser" par le pouvoir d'Etat est "arrêter" de "Statute of limitations".

Le matériel est en dessous.

S'il vous plaît envoyez-moi si vous avez des objections.
Cordialement, Yasuhiro Nagano


Il est ouvert au programme ci-dessous.

Yasuhiro Nagano
Email de contact


<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2018-10-09: Many foreigners have been "abducted and confined" by the Japanese government. Many foreigners are released, but they should recover their honor and compensate f


Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. "A smart person" can understand by only seeing the following.
Please see the "indictment letter" published on the Web and Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act,
Article 70 of the Immigration Act, and Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
I am applying "crime to support other crimes" of "criminal law"
for reasons of article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act.
The Japanese government punishes foreigners
by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "illegal work due to activities outside the status
of qualification". Employers who employ foreigners illegally are not punished
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminated against foreigners.
Therefore foreigners are innocent. Foreigners can not work unless there is anything to hire!
Everyone please open your eyes and see! This can be understood even by "monkey"!
With this, you can make a fool of the Japanese judiciary.

It is the continuation from the previous day. In case
The prosecution states "reason of crime" in the "document of indictment".
We say that we gave Chinese people "Contract documents of false employment".

This incident is only contending for this! ! !

I do not fight even if it is told
that "the contract document of employment" given to the Chinese was "false".
Because it is an act which does not receive "punishment" even if it is false.
I am "claiming" only in "legal theory".
I believe in "governance under the law".

This "pointed out" is "action" that "supports" the cancellation of residence status
by submitting false documents "in Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act.
In fact, it is a "law" that "cancellation" of "status of residence" is given to Chinese
who "Minister of Justice" submitted "Contents of False Employment Contract" to Immigration Bureau.
Since I have nothing to do with "act" to "support" illegal labor ",
I claim that it can not be" disposed of "by" crime that supports other crimes "prescribed
in the" criminal law ". However, the prosecution "dismisses" it.

A lawyer of "Democratic Party" says
that "general law" will take precedence over "special law specifying facts in concrete terms".
Japanese lawyers are crazy! Let's "spread" this story!
After all, Japan seems to be "not ruled under the law",
so even if told that it is "personal logic" as one of the citizens,
I will insist on "violation of applicable law".
I hope to become a "governed country" as soon as possible with the "Constitution of Japan"
and "International Law that ratified" and "Law".
Everyone, please listen. Please "support".

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "a Japanese abduction case"
to the North Korean government!
The North Korean government should tell the Japanese government!
The Japanese government should "release" the "abductees of foreigners" illegally arrested
and detained!
"Recovery of honor" and "compensation for damages" should be done against "past victims"!
The North Korean government! Ganbare! Everyone ought to "support" the North Korean government!
The media of the international community should "report" the facts!

I will continue even tomorrow.

Before the Japanese government talks about the "Japanese abduction issue"
by the North Korean government, the Japanese government should resolve the "abduction problem
of foreigners" first.
The Japanese government is not entitled to instruct foreign governments "respect for human rights".
Japan should respect "human rights".
The Japanese government is not entitled to instruct a foreign government "governance under the law".
Japan should "rule under the law".
I am a "victim" of "Violation of Immigration Control Act".
I "demand" "recovery of honor" and "compensation for damages".
Foreigners' "victims" can not count.
It is the task of "ICC" to "investigate and punish" crimes of individuals
who violate basic international law.
I e-mailed the "document" of "complaint" to the ICC. And everyday I'm sending
these 'supplementary' materials' to ICC.
Everyone please go campaign to "Pursue" the Japanese government.
Please request ICC for "prompt investigation."
I testify at any time.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

It is open to the program below.

Contact email


<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim! To President Trump 2018-10-09: Many foreigners have been "abducted and confined" by the Japanese government. Many foreigners are released, but they should recover their honor and compensate for damages.


Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. "A smart person" can understand by only seeing the following.
Please see the "indictment letter" published on the Web and Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act,
Article 70 of the Immigration Act, and Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
I am applying "crime to support other crimes" of "criminal law"
for reasons of article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act.
The Japanese government punishes foreigners
by Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act "illegal work due to activities outside the status
of qualification". Employers who employ foreigners illegally are not punished
under Article 73-2 of the Immigration Act.
This is an international law violation that discriminated against foreigners.
Therefore foreigners are innocent. Foreigners can not work unless there is anything to hire!
Everyone please open your eyes and see! This can be understood even by "monkey"!
With this, you can make a fool of the Japanese judiciary.

It is the continuation from the previous day. In case
The prosecution states "reason of crime" in the "document of indictment".
We say that we gave Chinese people "Contract documents of false employment".

This incident is only contending for this! ! !

I do not fight even if it is told
that "the contract document of employment" given to the Chinese was "false".
Because it is an act which does not receive "punishment" even if it is false.
I am "claiming" only in "legal theory".
I believe in "governance under the law".

This "pointed out" is "action" that "supports" the cancellation of residence status
by submitting false documents "in Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act.
In fact, it is a "law" that "cancellation" of "status of residence" is given to Chinese
who "Minister of Justice" submitted "Contents of False Employment Contract" to Immigration Bureau.
Since I have nothing to do with "act" to "support" illegal labor ",
I claim that it can not be" disposed of "by" crime that supports other crimes "prescribed
in the" criminal law ". However, the prosecution "dismisses" it.

A lawyer of "Democratic Party" says
that "general law" will take precedence over "special law specifying facts in concrete terms".
Japanese lawyers are crazy! Let's "spread" this story!
After all, Japan seems to be "not ruled under the law",
so even if told that it is "personal logic" as one of the citizens,
I will insist on "violation of applicable law".
I hope to become a "governed country" as soon as possible with the "Constitution of Japan"
and "International Law that ratified" and "Law".
Everyone, please listen. Please "support".

The Japanese government is not qualified to say "a Japanese abduction case"
to the North Korean government!
The North Korean government should tell the Japanese government!
The Japanese government should "release" the "abductees of foreigners" illegally arrested
and detained!
"Recovery of honor" and "compensation for damages" should be done against "past victims"!
The North Korean government! Ganbare! Everyone ought to "support" the North Korean government!
The media of the international community should "report" the facts!

I will continue even tomorrow.

Before the Japanese government talks about the "Japanese abduction issue"
by the North Korean government, the Japanese government should resolve the "abduction problem
of foreigners" first.
The Japanese government is not entitled to instruct foreign governments "respect for human rights".
Japan should respect "human rights".
The Japanese government is not entitled to instruct a foreign government "governance under the law".
Japan should "rule under the law".
I am a "victim" of "Violation of Immigration Control Act".
I "demand" "recovery of honor" and "compensation for damages".
Foreigners' "victims" can not count.
It is the task of "ICC" to "investigate and punish" crimes of individuals
who violate basic international law.
I e-mailed the "document" of "complaint" to the ICC. And everyday I'm sending
these 'supplementary' materials' to ICC.
Everyone please go campaign to "Pursue" the Japanese government.
Please request ICC for "prompt investigation."
I testify at any time.
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints.
But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations".

The material is below.

Please mail me if you have objections.

Sincerely yours,

Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************

Yasuhiro Nagano


For uncertainties, please contact us!




Thank you freedom and democracy【Reply by e-mail from President  Trump 2018-10-08】



October 7, 2018


Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.


The Office of Presidential Correspondence



Here, many foreigners are victims. You are a  #MeToo victim  too.
