Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

ail to president of trump, staying abroad like international students and trainees, By legally entering foreigners, illegally by activities outside the qualification (working) I am working as a subcontractor at a terminal manufacturing company in the auto

ail to president of trump, staying abroad like international students and trainees,
By legally entering foreigners, illegally by activities outside the qualification (working)
I am working as a subcontractor at a terminal manufacturing company in the automobile industry,
a subsidiary company. 2017-05-13c
                                Yasuhiro Nagano

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
In the e-mail of the other day, since Japan manufactures cars using illegal immigrants and exports them to the USA,
The Japanese automobile industry said it was "unfair."
In Japan, foreigners with simple labor can not work. However, due to the status of residence such as international students and trainees, I am legally entering foreigners, illegally working outside the qualifications (working), subcontracting parts manufacturers at the end of the automobile industry, working at sub-subsidiaries .
Industry is different, it is a violation of Immigration Control Law in 2010, a violation of Immigration Control Law in 2014 and 2015. For details, please refer to the materials submitted to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights office at the end of the sentence.
In the case of
I am doing it in a country. In my case, policemen, prosecutors, and judges collided
I am doing it. Such an act is illegal, but it can not be a case unless the prosecutor accepts the complaint. It is absolutely a perfect crime of national wigs.
Article 31 of the Constitution of Japan: No person shall be deprived of its life or freedom unless undertaken by the law, and no other punishment can be imposed.
It is the Diet member who corrects the judicial and administrative acts contrary to Article 31, but I will not do anything. I ignore it.
Members of Parliament are mostly those who become members of the Diet with the support of executives and others and become members of the Diet by support from the labor union. Fight for each other, for their benefit. Justice etc. will not do anything to become a member of the Diet.
But unless you understand this, trade imbalances will not be resolved. Since it comes from "Confucian culture", it is the same in Korea and China. We should also seriously discuss at the summit meeting of developed countries.

I would like to file a complaint with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights office against the illegal treatment received from the Japanese Government in 2010 "Individual Reporting System", but "Personal Reporting System" Because we have not ratified the system, we can not do it. I think it is better to ratify the "personal reporting system".
Documents to be submitted are below. http://www.miraico.jp/?????/
Please support a lawsuit against the International Criminal Court. I pray the president for happiness! Best regards,


 業種は違いますが、2010年の入管法違反事件、2014、2015年の入管法違反事件です。詳しくは、 文末の国連の人権高等弁務官事務所に提出の資料をご覧ください。
