Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

2017-06-12: To the media of the international community News from Japan tips: Please think together not only as President Trump, but as the media of each country! . The following is the e-mail sent today to President Trump, embassy to Japan, OHCHR, parlia

2017-06-12: To the media of the international community News from Japan tips: Please think together not only as President Trump, but as the media of each country! . The following is the e-mail sent today to President Trump, embassy to Japan, OHCHR, parliamentarians and so on.

Common delivery to media

2017-06-12: E-mail to President Trump: I think the border problem with Mexico is not the wall construction but the fact that President Trump is required to lend power to solve problems such as Mexico's poverty, unemployment, drug warfare I will.

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
The President made the following five points as a pillar of Mexico policy at the joint press conference of President Nieto held on August 31, 2016. 1. Eradication of inflow of illegal immigrants, 2. Secure border safety, 3. Eradication of drugs organization in Mexico, 4. Review of NAFTA, 5. Stop the manufacturing industry's entry into Mexico.
On the Mexican border, not only illegal immigrants but also drugs and crimes are important issues. It is said that the increase in illegal immigration is caused by evading crimes such as poverty, unemployment, drug war in Mexico. In addition, the amount of immigration to the United States is huge and it is comparable to oil exports, which is Mexico 's largest industry.
The president has many problems only with Mexico's relationship, but the news of "eradication of Mexican narcotics organization" does not flow.
I think the border problem with Mexico is that it is necessary for President Cardinal to lend power to solve problems such as poverty, unemployment and drug war in Mexico, not wall construction. We should not only stop the loss of the American automobile industry to Mexico but also try to pull back the apparel and miscellaneous goods industry that has been lost to China back to Latin America. Just taking up the manufacturing industry from Latin America is a concern that Latin American countries will become anti-US and the movement of the creation of the Latin American common market will be accelerated.

The international community needs the leadership of President Trump. President Gambare!

Japan has become a law to dispose illegally working foreigners and those employed harshly and severely, but police officers have been affixed to management employing them and criminalized only foreigners . This is not only Japanese law but also international law violation. I would like to file a lawsuit against the United Nations OHCHR under the "personal reporting system" against the illegal treatment received from the Japanese government in 2010, but Japan ratified the "personal reporting system" not. Documents to be submitted are below. http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ Please support Japan to recommend "ratification of personal notification system" and appeal to the International Criminal Court. I pray the president for happiness! Best regards,

Yasuhiro Nagano





2017-06-12:トランプ大統領へのメール: メキシコとの国境問題は、壁建設ではなくメキシコの貧困、失業、麻薬戦争などの問題解決にトランプ大統領が力を貸してあげることが必要だと思います。

 大統領はメキシコとの関係だけでもたくさんの課題を抱えていますが、 「メキシコの麻薬組織の根絶」のニュースが流れてきません。


 日本は不法就労する外国人と、彼ら雇用した者を平等に厳しく処分する法律になっていますが、警察官らが、彼らを雇用する経営者と癒着して外国人だけを刑事処分しています。これは、日本法だけでなく国際法違反です。私は、2010年「入管法違反幇助事件」日本政府から受けた不法な扱いに対して、国連のOHCHRに「個人通報制度」で提訴したいが、日本は「個人通報制度」の批准をしていません。提出書類は下記にあります。http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ 日本へ「個人通報制度」の批准勧告と国際刑事裁判所への提訴を支援してください。大統領に、幸多かれと祈る!敬具、
