Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2017-12-14 to 1 day

Mail magazine from the White House 2017-12-14 ‘Bigger paychecks to all’ James Freeman in The Wall Street Journal James Freeman writes in The Wall Street Journal that successful tax reform legislation “can be cherished for generations to come” once wor

Mail magazine from the White House 2017-12-14 ‘Bigger paychecks to all’ James Freeman in The Wall Street Journal James Freeman writes in The Wall Street Journal that successful tax reform legislation “can be cherished for generations to co…

December 14, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May   While Europe suffers from immigration and refugee problems, In Japan, western European society is stunned by illegal means to deal with immigration problems. Please be interested in illegal

December 14, 2017: Honorable British Prime Minister Teliza May Dear sirs. According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, the United Nations Security Council announced on Wednesday,China and Russia, but we held a meeting on North Korea's human rights si…

14. Dezember 2017: Sehr geehrte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Sehr geehrte und Herren Damen, Laut der chapeau Yomiuri Shimbun der Sicherheitsrat der Nationen Vereinten am Mittwoch angekündigt, Chine und Russland, aber wir haben ein Treffen zu Nordkoreas

14. Dezember 2017: Sehr geehrte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel Sehr geehrte und Herren Damen, Laut der chapeau Yomiuri Shimbun der Sicherheitsrat der Nationen Vereinten am Mittwoch angekündigt,Chine und Russland, aber wir haben ein Treffen …

14. Dezember 2017: Sehr geehrte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel In Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft. Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns.

14. Dezember 2017: Sehr geehrte Bundeskanzlerin Angela MerkelIn Japan werden viele Ausländer wegen Völkerrechtsverletzungen rechtswidrig bestraft.Bitte prüfen Sie das Material und verurteilen Sie es mit G7, G20 usw. Bitte hilf uns. Sehr ge…

2017-12-14: I will inform you today of President Trump, other countries, and the international community "The fact series of humanitarian crimes that the Japanese government grasped" NO: 36 In case In Japan, the fact that judicial administration is tot

2017-12-14: I will inform you today of President Trump, other countries, and the international community"The fact series of humanitarian crimes that the Japanese government grasped" NO: 36 In caseIn Japan, the fact that judicial administra…

2017-12-14: Today's topic to announce to President Cardinal and the world media is "I thank you that at the United Nations Security Council, the issue of returning Japanese abduction victims was picked up. Take up also the illegal kidnapping confinemen

2017-12-14: Today's topic to announce to President Cardinal and the world media is "I thank you that at the United Nations Security Council, the issue of returning Japanese abduction victims was picked up. Take up also the illegal kidnappi…