Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2020-08-01 to 1 month


2020年08月22日: 土曜版。拝啓、[奴隷の解放宣言」をしたアメリカが「中国の奴隷制度」を支持して「中国の奴隷製品」を購入するのはクレイジーだ!アメリカ国民は「中国の新疆ウィグル自治区のウィグル人」を開放すべきだ。そのためには中国製品の購入を止め…


2020年08月22日: 土曜版。拝啓、[奴隷の解放宣言」をしたアメリカが「中国の奴隷制度」を支持して「中国の奴隷製品」を購入するのはクレイジーだ!アメリカ国民は「中国の新疆ウィグル自治区のウィグル人」を開放すべきだ。そのためには中国製品の購入を止め…

Let the US and other countries in the world "decouple" China to eliminate "slavery systems" and "forced labor"! Purchasing “clothes, shoes and cars with almost zero labor costs” is a “cooperator” of the “slave system”!

August 22, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,It is crazy for the United States, which has made a "declaration of liberation of slaves," to support "Chinese slavery" and purchase "Chinese slave products"! Americans should open up the "Uighur…

New bill for forced labor release! Introducing the battle of US Senator Josh Holy.

August 22, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,It is crazy for the United States, which has made a "declaration of liberation of slaves," to support "Chinese slavery" and purchase "Chinese slave products"! Americans should open up the "Uighur…

"Prohibition of import of slave products manufactured in Xinjiang" "Posted comments" It is a repression that cannot be imagined in Japan, which has long been a democratic country.

August 22, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,It is crazy for the United States, which has made a "declaration of liberation of slaves," to support "Chinese slavery" and purchase "Chinese slave products"! Americans should open up the "Uighur…

Americans should open up the "Uighurs in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of China". To do that, you should stop buying Chinese products. !!

August 22, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,It is crazy for the United States, which has made a "declaration of liberation of slaves," to support "Chinese slavery" and purchase "Chinese slave products"! Americans should open up the "Uighur…

August 22, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, It is crazy for the United States, which has made a "declaration of liberation of slaves," to support "Chinese slavery" and purchase "Chinese slave products"! Americans should

August 22, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,It is crazy for the United States, which has made a "declaration of liberation of slaves," to support "Chinese slavery" and purchase "Chinese slave products"! Americans should open up the "Uighur…

国防総省。米軍は2つの戦争を同時に出来ない。 中国が台湾を攻撃、ロシアがエストニアを攻撃。米軍は同時に戦う戦力はない。 在ドイツの兵力を削減して、対中国に集中すべき。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 世界のの芸能人さーん、Twitterで呟いて下さいよー 「黒人の問題」の時は「騒いでいた」くせに。あれは、ファッションだったんですかーTiktokに少女の勇気ある投稿「中国がウイグル弾圧」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYljYQez…

Emmanuel Macron au président français Celebrities around the world, please mutter on Twitter Even though it was "noisy" when it was "black problem". Was that fashion? Girl's courageous post on Tiktok "China oppresses Uygur"

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-08-21: Cher Monsieur,Le secrétaire américain à la Santé Alex Hazard, en visite à Taiwan, a rencontré Tsai Ing-wen, le président Tsai Inwen, à Taipei le 10. "USA Tody" a déclaré le 5 juillet que si…

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin Taiwan hat bereits 100 Milliarden US-Dollar im Handel mit den Vereinigten Staaten und 200 Botschaftsmitarbeiter. Die Washington Times argumentierte am 18. Juni, dass sich US-Truppen in Deutschland auf den "Kampf mit Ch

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-08-21: Sehr geehrter Herr,US-Gesundheitsminister Alex Hazard, der Taiwan besucht, traf sich am Donnerstag in Taipeh mit Präsident Tsai Ing-wen Tsai Inwen. "USA Tody" sagte am 5. Juli, wenn Mr. Trum…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister  US Secretary of Health, Alex Hazard, who is visiting Taiwan, met with Cai Ying-wen, President Tsai Inwen, in Taipei on the 10th. "USA Tody" on July 5 said he would send Vice President Pence if Mr. Trump couldn't go

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Celebrities around the world, please mutter on TwitterEven though it was "noisy" when it was "black problem".Was that fashion?Girl's courageous post on Tiktok "China oppresses Uygur"https://www.youtu…

To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me!   Celebrities around the world, please mutter on Twitter Even though it was "noisy" when it was "black problem". Was that fashion?

To President TrumpPresident Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Celebrities around the world, please mutter on TwitterEven though it was "noisy" when it was "black problem".Was that fashion?Girl's courageous post on Tiktok "C…

Celebrities around the world, please mutter on Twitter Even though it was "noisy" when it was "black problem". Was that fashion? Girl's courageous post on Tiktok "China oppresses Uygur"

To President TrumpPresident Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Celebrities around the world, please mutter on TwitterEven though it was "noisy" when it was "black problem".Was that fashion?Girl's courageous post on Tiktok "C…

「黒人の問題」の時は「騒いでいた」くせに。 あれは、ファッションだったんですかー Tiktokに少女の勇気ある投稿「中国がウイグル弾圧」

世界のの芸能人さーん、Twitterで呟いて下さいよー 「黒人の問題」の時は「騒いでいた」くせに。あれは、ファッションだったんですかーTiktokに少女の勇気ある投稿「中国がウイグル弾圧」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYljYQezgKk&t=2s日本人が知らない…

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin  etwa drei bis fünf Jahre vor Ort bei ihnen leben und ein Projekt starten sollen, das den Landwirten in "Mosambik" zugute kommen würde. Dieses Phänomen tritt auch in Japan auf. Es war die "inkompetente" Bürokratie, die

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-08-20 Sehr geehrter Herr,TBS berichtet diese Nachricht seit sieben Jahren. Großes landwirtschaftliches Entwicklungsprojekt „Pro Savannah Business“, gefördert von der japanischen Regierung in Mosamb…

To President Trump President Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! South Korea accuses Japan of "making Koreans forced labor" during the war, but Koreans are not eligible to say that.

To President TrumpPresident Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! South Korea accuses Japan of "making Koreans forced labor" during the war, but Koreans are not eligible to say that.Koreans should "stop" "forced labor" and "sla…

Emmanuel Macron au président français Le SCT rapporte cette nouvelle depuis sept ans. Projet de développement agricole à grande échelle «Pro savannah business» promu par le gouvernement japonais au Mozambique, en Afrique.

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-08-20 Cher Monsieur,Le SCT rapporte cette nouvelle depuis sept ans. Projet de développement agricole à grande échelle «Pro savannah business» promu par le gouvernement japonais au Mozambique, en A…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister South Korea accuses Japan of "making Koreans forced labor" during the war, but Koreans are not eligible to say that. Koreans should "stop" "forced labor" and "slave labor" again

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister South Korea accuses Japan of "making Koreans forced labor" during the war, but Koreans are not eligible to say that.Koreans should "stop" "forced labor" and "slave labor" against "Chinese Xinjiang Ui…

Koreans should "stop" "forced labor" and "slave labor" against "Chinese Xinjiang Uighurs" by "Samsung"!

South Korea accuses Japan of "making Koreans forced labor" during the war, but Koreans are not eligible to say that.Koreans should "stop" "forced labor" and "slave labor" against "Chinese Xinjiang Uighurs" by "Samsung"!It's crazy for Korea…

韓国人は「サムソン」による「中国の新疆ウィグル人」に対する「強制の労働」そして「奴隷の労働」を「止める」べきだ! 韓国人が「奴隷の労働者」によって生産された「サムソン製品」を購入するのはクレイジーだ!


内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 BSで7年にわたり報道してきたアフリカ・モザンビークで日本政府が進める大規模農業開発プロジェクト「プロサバンナ事業」。大規模農業化を進めることで「土地が奪われ

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 韓国は戦争中に日本が「朝鮮人を強制の労働をさせた」として、非難をするが、韓国人にそれを言う資格はない。韓国人は「サムソン」による「中国の新疆ウィグル人」に対する「強制の労働」そして「奴隷の労働」を「止める」べきだ!…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 米国の黒人の皆さん!「人種、国境を越えて奴隷の開放をしましょう」 中国のウィグル族を「強制労働」、「奴隷の労働」から「解放」しましょう。 日立、フォルクスワーゲン、ナイキ・・・などの「奴隷の労働」の製品の購入を止めよう! h

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 米国の黒人の皆さん!「人種、国境を越えて奴隷の開放をしましょう」中国のウィグル族を「強制労働」、「奴隷の労働」から「解放」しましょう。日立、フォルクスワーゲン、ナイキ・・・などの「奴隷の労働」の製品の購入を止めよう…

米国の黒人の皆さん!「人種、国境を越えて奴隷の開放をしましょう」 中国のウィグル族を「強制労働」、「奴隷の労働」から「解放」しましょう。 日立、フォルクスワーゲン、ナイキ・・・などの「奴隷の労働」の製品の購入を止めよう!


In Japan, the number of infected people is increasing rapidly. The reason for the increase is that we are increasing the number of PCR tests. It is natural that the number of infected people increases. Even so, the number of inspections is two digits l

"Everyone" from "Black Americans"! "Let's liberate slaves across races and borders"Let's "release" the Uighurs of China from "forced labor" and "slave labor".Stop buying "slave labor" products like Hitachi, Volkswagen, Nike... and stop!Med…

Emmanuel Macron au président français "Everyone" from "Black Americans"! "Let's liberate slaves across races and borders" Let's "release" the Uighurs of China from "forced labor" and "slave labor". Stop buying "slave labor" products like Hitachi, Volkswa

Emmanuel Macron au président français "Everyone" from "Black Americans"! "Let's liberate slaves across races and borders"Let's "release" the Uighurs of China from "forced labor" and "slave labor".Stop buying "slave labor" products like Hit…

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin In Japan nimmt die Zahl der Infizierten rapide zu. Der Grund für den Anstieg ist, dass wir die Anzahl der PCR-Tests erhöhen. Es ist natürlich, dass die Anzahl der Infizierten zunimmt. Trotzdem ist die Anzahl der Inspek

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-08-19: Sehr geehrter Herr,In Japan nimmt die Zahl der Infizierten rapide zu. Der Grund für den Anstieg ist, dass wir die Anzahl der PCR-Tests erhöhen. Es ist natürlich, dass die Anzahl der Infizier…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister "Everyone" from "Black Americans"! "Let's liberate slaves across races and borders" Let's "release" the Uighurs of China from "forced labor" and "slave labor". Stop buying "slave labor" products like Hitachi, Volks

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister "Everyone" from "Black Americans"! "Let's liberate slaves across races and borders"Let's "release" the Uighurs of China from "forced labor" and "slave labor".Stop buying "slave labor" products like H…

"Everyone" from "Black Americans"! "Let's liberate slaves across races and borders" Let's "release" the Uighurs of China from "forced labor" and "slave labor". Stop buying "slave labor" products like Hitachi, Volkswagen, Nike... and stop! Media reporters

"Everyone" from "Black Americans"! "Let's liberate slaves across races and borders"Let's "release" the Uighurs of China from "forced labor" and "slave labor".Stop buying "slave labor" products like Hitachi, Volkswagen, Nike... and stop!Med…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister "Everyone" from "Black Americans"! "Let's liberate slaves across races and borders" Let's "release" the Uighurs of China from "forced labor" and "slave labor". Stop buying "slave labor" products like Hitachi, Volks

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister "Everyone" from "Black Americans"! "Let's liberate slaves across races and borders"Let's "release" the Uighurs of China from "forced labor" and "slave labor".Stop buying "slave labor" products like H…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 医療と一次産業は潰してはいけない。 もう税金を払いたくない。日本政府は少しも「役に立つ支援」をしない。 「食糧を作る人達」と「医療medical treatment」は本当に市民生活に影響が出る。 政府は「夜の街」なんて、どうでも良いから、「農家と医療従事者」に税金を使うべきだ。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…