Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2020-06-01 to 1 month

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government! Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president!

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government!Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president! 2020-06-30th: Dear Sir,This is the second …

Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government! Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president! However, the Korean government "hides" this fact by "receiving" the Japanese government's honey

Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government!Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president! 2020-06-30th: Dear Sir,This is the second part of North Korea's retaliation flyer …

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 日本政府は「人権条約」を守る義務があります。 ※基本的な法律に基づかない「逮捕・監禁」 ※外国人を「恣意的に処罰する行為」 私だけでなく多くの外国人が日本の司法の犠牲になっています。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…

Emmanuel Macron au président français Ne «léchez» pas «Sakuradamon» (le nom du lieu de la police métropolitaine)! Vous devez plaider coupable dans la "théorie générale"! Le Japon est le seul pays à être puni par la "théorie générale".

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-06-30th: Cher monsieur,Il s'agit de la deuxième partie du dépliant de représailles de la Corée du Nord pour la Corée du Sud. C'est mon souhait. J'envoie chaque jour des lettres et des e-mails au g…

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin Dies ist der zweite Teil von Nordkoreas Vergeltungsflyer für Südkorea. Das ist mein Wunsch. Ich sende jeden Tag Briefe und E-Mails an die koreanische Regierung, um gegen die japanische Regierung zu protestieren, um den

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 2020-06-30th: Sehr geehrter Herr,Dies ist der zweite Teil von Nordkoreas Vergeltungsflyer für Südkorea. Das ist mein Wunsch. Ich sende jeden Tag Briefe und E-Mails an die koreanische Regierung, um gegen…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-06-30th: Dear Sir,This is the second part of North Korea's retaliation flyer for South Korea. This is my wish. I am sending letters and e-mails to the Korean government every day to protest the …

To President Trump Don't “lick” “Sakuradamon” (the place name of the Metropolitan Police Department)! You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

To President Trump Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government!Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president! 2020-06-30th: Dear Sir,This is the second part of North Korea's…

To President Trump Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government! Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president!

To President Trump Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government!Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president! 2020-06-30th: Dear Sir,This is the second part of North Korea's…

Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government! Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president!

Trump didn't help Americans illegally disposed of by the Japanese government!Trump who fell in the Japanese government's honey trap is not the US president! 2020-06-30th: Dear Sir,This is the second part of North Korea's retaliation flyer …

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 今の時代、高額の「核兵器」で「脅す」のは時代遅れだよ。低価格の「生物兵器」で十分だよ。 金正恩委員長は、米国の「暗殺」から逃げるより米国と「核の放棄」で和解しなさい。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 今の時代、高額の「核兵器」で「脅す」のは時代遅れだよ。低価格の「生物兵器」で十分だよ。金正恩委員長は、米国の「暗殺」から逃げるより米国と「核の放棄」で和解しなさい。北朝鮮は中国の許す範囲で韓国には、時々脅してあげな…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 今週は、警視庁の警察官に対する起訴状を公開します。警察官の「口癖」です。「桜田門」(警視庁の地名)を「舐める」てはいけない!あなたは「一般論」で罪を認めるべきだ!「一般論」で処罰する国は日本だけです。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…

Emmanuel Macron au président français Vous devez plaider coupable dans la "théorie générale"! Le Japon est le seul pays à être puni par la "théorie générale".

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2020-06-29: Cher monsieur,La Corée du Nord devrait "riposter" contre la Corée du Sud en "lâchant" le dépliant. Cette semaine, nous publierons ce sujet. C'est "déposer" une "brochure" de "contenu" que l…

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin Nordkorea sollte sich gegen Südkorea "revanchieren", indem es den Flyer "fallen lässt". Diese Woche werden wir dieses Thema veröffentlichen. Es ist, ein "Flugblatt" mit

Angela Merkel an die Bundeskanzlerin 29.06.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr,Nordkorea sollte sich gegen Südkorea "revanchieren", indem es den Flyer "fallen lässt". Diese Woche werden wir dieses Thema veröffentlichen. Es ist, ein "Flugblatt" mit "I…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister North Korea should "retaliate" with "drop" of "flyer" to South Korea. This week we will be posting this topic. It is to "drop" the "flyer" of the "notice" that Korea hates most. It is a content of "missile attack" t

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-06-29: Dear Sir,North Korea should "retaliate" with "drop" of "flyer" to South Korea. This week we will be posting this topic. It is to "drop" the "flyer" of the "notice" that Korea hates most. …

To President Trump You should plead guilty in "general theory"! Japan is the only country to be punished by "general theory".

To President Trump In this era, it is outdated to "threat" with expensive nuclear weapons. A low-priced "biological weapon" is enough.Chairman Kim Jong-un should reconcile with the United States by "nuclear abandonment" rather than escape …

To President Trump North Korea should occasionally threaten South Korea to the extent that China allows!

To President Trump In this era, it is outdated to "threat" with expensive nuclear weapons. A low-priced "biological weapon" is enough.Chairman Kim Jong-un should reconcile with the United States by "nuclear abandonment" rather than escape …

To President Trump In this era, it is outdated to "threat" with expensive nuclear weapons. A low-priced "biological weapon" is enough. Chairman Kim Jong-un should reconcile with the United States by "nuclear abandonment" rather than escape from the US "as

To President Trump In this era, it is outdated to "threat" with expensive nuclear weapons. A low-priced "biological weapon" is enough.Chairman Kim Jong-un should reconcile with the United States by "nuclear abandonment" rather than escape …

The key to the US presidential election held in November 2020 is "Which is Trump or Biden stronger than China?" So President Trump brought out the strongest "Chinese seared" weapon. That is to do "complete decoupling with China".

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Biden is dominant in the US presidential election.Shinzo Abe, who played "Trump's dog" when Biden became president, is not accepted by the world, but world reputationPresident Trump should do what he promised me Jun…

Biden is dominant in the US presidential election. Shinzo Abe, who played "Trump's dog" when Biden became president, is not accepted by the world, but world reputation President Trump should do what he promised me

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Biden is dominant in the US presidential election.Shinzo Abe, who played "Trump's dog" when Biden became president, is not accepted by the world, but world reputationPresident Trump should do what he promised me Jun…

アメリカの大統領選で「カギ」を握るのは、「中国に対してトランプとバイデンでどちらが強気なのか?」。トランプ大統領は最強の“中国たたき=Chinese seared”の武器を持ち出した。それは「中国との完全なデカップリング」をすることです。

米大統領選挙はバイデンが優勢だ。バイデンが大統領になると「トランプの犬」を演じた安倍晋三は世界から相手にされないが世界の評 2020年06月28日:日曜版。拝啓、2020年11月に行われる、アメリカの大統領選で「カギ」を握るのは、「中国に対してトランプと…

米大統領選挙はバイデンが優勢だ。 バイデンが大統領になると「トランプの犬」を演じた安倍晋三は世界から相手にされないが世界の評

米大統領選挙はバイデンが優勢だ。バイデンが大統領になると「トランプの犬」を演じた安倍晋三は世界から相手にされないが世界の評 2020年06月28日:日曜版。拝啓、2020年11月に行われる、アメリカの大統領選で「カギ」を握るのは、「中国に対してトランプと…

Trump was too affected by the Xi Jinping and Abe Shinzo. The three are on the brink of defeat.

President Trump should do what he promised me June 27, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, Americans, Chinese, Japanese should stand up!This word moves the hearts of people around the world. "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake…


安倍内閣支持率3割割れ相次ぐ!でも、受け皿がない! 2020年06月27日: 土曜版。拝啓、アメリカ国民、中国国民、日本国民は立ち上がるべきだ!この言葉は世界の人々の心を動かす。「(兄は偽の20ドル紙幣を使った容疑で殺されたが)彼は20ドルを理由に死んで…

安倍内閣支持率3割割れ相次ぐ!でも、受け皿がない! この言葉は世界の人々の心を動かす。 「(兄は偽の20ドル紙幣を使った容疑で殺されたが)彼は20ドルを理由に死んで、これが良いはずがない」。

安倍内閣支持率3割割れ相次ぐ!でも、受け皿がない! 2020年06月27日: 土曜版。拝啓、アメリカ国民、中国国民、日本国民は立ち上がるべきだ!この言葉は世界の人々の心を動かす。「(兄は偽の20ドル紙幣を使った容疑で殺されたが)彼は20ドルを理由に死んで…

President Trump should do what he promised me This word moves the hearts of people around the world. "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake $20 bill) he died for $20 and this can't be good."

President Trump should do what he promised me June 27, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, Americans, Chinese, Japanese should stand up!This word moves the hearts of people around the world. "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake…

#NaganoOpinion This word moves the hearts of people around the world. "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake $20 bill) he died for $20 and this can't be good."

President Trump should do what he promised me June 27, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, Americans, Chinese, Japanese should stand up!This word moves the hearts of people around the world. "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake…

#NaganoOpinion President Trump should do what he promised me

President Trump should do what he promised me June 27, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir, Americans, Chinese, Japanese should stand up!This word moves the hearts of people around the world. "(My brother was killed on charges of using a fake…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 日本の検察官は非常識な、「上級国民=Privileged class」の「意識」です。検察官へ「常識の教育」が必要です。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France Je ne pense pas qu'ils soient japonais! ! Je pense que l'évasion de Carlos Ghosn était le meilleur moyen.

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France 2020-06-26: Cher monsieur,Le procureur japonais est une "conscience" insensée de la "classe privilégiée". Une "éducation de bon sens" est requise pour les procureurs. Dans une "affaire pénale", la …

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin  Der gesunde Menschenverstand des Staatsanwalts ist abnormal. In diesem Fall gibt es eine "Überweisung" von 300.000 Yen an Lefco von "Kin" (Katakana). Der Staatsanwalt

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin 2020-06-26: Sehr geehrter Herr,Der japanische Staatsanwalt ist ein verrücktes "Bewusstsein" der "privilegierten Klasse". Für Staatsanwälte ist "Common Sense Education" erforderlich. In einem "Strafverfahren…