Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2019-04-01 to 1 month

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" .North Korea should make the world's media "a friend" of North Korea. Please announce the North Korean government in foreign media and the United Nations. The North Korean government should specificall

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . 2019-04-30:Dear Sirs, when Mrs. Carroll wrote a letter to French President Macron, he replied, "I will do everything I can for the former President of Gone," but there is no "follow-u…

Emmanuel Macron au président français Le gouvernement chinois ne poursuit pas le gouvernement japonais parce que le gouvernement chinois viole les droits de l'homme. Le gouvernement philippin ne peut pas protester contre le gouvernement japonais, car il

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-04-30:Chers Messieurs, Lorsque Mme Carroll a écrit une lettre au président Macron"Nous ferons tout ce que nous pouvons pour Gone", a déclaré la réponse, mais il n'y a pas eu de "contact de suivi".…

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister Da dieser "Fehler des anwendbaren Rechts" und die "willkürliche" Bestrafung von Ausländern routinemäßig durchgeführt werden, Es bringt viele ausländische Opfer hervor. Also appelliere ich an "alle".

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-04-30:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, als Frau Carroll einen Brief an Präsident Macron schrieb"Wir werden alles tun, was wir für Gone tun können", sagte die Antwort, aber es gab keinen "An…

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister it causes many foreign victims. So I appeal to "everyone."

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-04-30:Dear Sirs, when Mrs. Carroll wrote a letter to French President Macron, he replied, "I will do everything I can for the former President of Gone," but there is no "follow-up contact." France…

To President Trump There is no punishment under Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act. It only cancels the granted status of residence. The "International Human Rights Code B" prohibits arrest, confinement and punishment in violation of basic laws.

To President Trump 2019-04-30:Dear Sirs, when Mrs. Carroll wrote a letter to French President Macron, he replied, "I will do everything I can for the former President of Gone," but there is no "follow-up contact." France should insist on i…

To the highest leader leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency" . 2019-04-29:Dear Sirs, said Carol Gorn, wife of Carlos Gorn. North Korea should make the world's media "a friend" of North Korea. Please announce the North Korean government in foreign media and th

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear Sirs, Please send this e-mail to the top leader "Kim Jong-un Excellency".This e-mail is sent daily to media, embassies and white houses in the world. To the highest leader leader "Kim Jo…

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-04-29:Chers Messieurs, a déclaré Carol Gorn, épouse de Carlos Gorn.Partie 2 Je "poursuit" deux choses. Il s'agit d'une violation "internationale" des droits de l'homme commise par le gouvernement japonais. Nous

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-04-29:Chers Messieurs, a déclaré Carol Gorn, épouse de Carlos Gorn.Quand j'ai écrit une lettre au président français"Nous ferons tout ce que nous pouvons pour Gone", a déclaré la réponse, mais il …

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-04-29:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, sagte Carol Gorn, Frau von Carlos Gorn.Teil 1 Es wird gesagt, dass es keinen "Kontakt" gibt, wenn Sie danach versuchen, Mr. McLons "engen Berater" zu kontaktieren.

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-04-29:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, sagte Carol Gorn, Frau von Carlos Gorn.Als ich einen Brief an den französischen Präsidenten schrieb"Wir werden alles tun, was wir für Gone tun können"…

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-04-29:Dear Sirs, said Carol Gorn, wife of Carlos Gorn. The French government should make a request based on the "International Human Rights Code B". The International Human Rights Convention B is ratified by Ja

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-04-29:Dear Sirs, said Carol Gorn, wife of Carlos Gorn. When he wrote a letter to French President McLon, he said, "I will do everything I can for the former President Gone," but there is no "follo…

To President Trump 2019-04-29:Dear Sirs, said Carol Gorn, wife of Carlos Gorn. When he wrote a letter to French President McLon, he said, "I will do everything I can for the former President Gone," but there is no "follow-up contact."

To President Trump 2019-04-29:Dear Sirs, said Carol Gorn, wife of Carlos Gorn. When he wrote a letter to French President McLon, he said, "I will do everything I can for the former President Gone," but there is no "follow-up contact." Fran…

To everyone in the world.I also mentioned last week. At the end of last year, the German Merkel administration cabinet-decided a "Specialist Immigration Bill" to expand the acceptance of foreign workers outside the (EU) region. If you can speak German a

To everyone in the world. April 28, 2019, Special Zone of Europe Sunday Edition: Dear Sirs, the labor shortage in Europe is serious with the declining birthrate and aging population. However, the increase in refugees has become a major soc…

Dear Sirs International people.Part 1. It is known on the 22nd that France Renault has proposed "business integration" to Nissan Motor this month. According to several sources, Renault has been "informed" to Nishikawa Hiroto, president and chief executi

Dear Sirs International people. Sunday version, April 28, 2019:Enlightenment. The arrest of Carlos Ghosn became a "full-scale war" of "France vs. Japan". France Renault proposes "Integration of management" to Nissan Motor. The French gover…

To everyone in the world President Trump stated that he is considering releasing illegal migrants arrested at the southern border and transferring them to so-called sanctuaries.

To everyone in the world April 27, 2019, Special Zone of the United States Saturday Edition: The United States says it will transfer illegal migrants to "Sanctuary city". The “agriculture” that employed illegal immigrants will decline. The…

Dear Sirs International people.The United States does not need a wall to protect the desert. The United States needs a wall to protect factories in special zones.

Dear Sirs International people. Saturday version, April 27, 2019:Greetings. The police did not arrest former Former Ministry of Industry, Former director of Industrial Technology Institute (87 years old) who was driving. Two people died. Q…

Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc. Dr. Lee Yo…

Emmanuel Macron au président français Chers Messieurs, La France devrait mettre fin à la "société sur-éduquée". Il devrait être traité comme "égal" dans le "système du mérite" plutôt que "super-éducation". Le Premier ministre du Japon, Abe, les parlementa

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-04-26:Chers Messieurs, La France devrait mettre fin à la "société sur-éduquée".Il devrait être traité comme "égal" dans le "système du mérite" plutôt que "super-éducation".Le Premier ministre du J…

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Frankreich sollte die "übergebildete Gesellschaft" beenden. Es sollte eher als "gleich" im "Verdienstsystem" und nicht als "Superausbildung" behandelt werden. Japans Premiermin

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-04-26:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Frankreich sollte die "übergebildete Gesellschaft" beenden.Es sollte eher als "gleich" im "Verdienstsystem" und nicht als "Superausbildung" behandelt …

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister Foreigners carried out "illegal labor" other than "qualification of residence". But foreigners are not guilty. Only foreigners were punished for immigration control law Article 70 "illegal labor crimes".

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-04-26:Dear Sirs, France should end the "super-educated society". It should be treated as "equal" in the "merit system" rather than "super-education". Japan's Prime Minister Abe, parliamentarians a…

To President Trump France has protected its people with greater welfare than any other country in Europe. This accounts for one third of the national expenditure. In 2016, the country spent € 715 billi

To President Trump 2019-04-26:Dear Sirs, France should end the "super-educated society". It should be treated as "equal" in the "merit system" rather than "super-education". Japan's Prime Minister Abe, parliamentarians and most of his exec…

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea it is said that the famous word "It is said that heaven does not create one man above or below another man". It is what I think about France's super-educated society.

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc. Dr. Lee Yo…

Emmanuel Macron au président français Emmanuel Macron a déclaré le président français. Le gouvernement britannique devrait respecter les résultats du référendum. Je suis d'accord avec l'affirmation du président Emmanuel Macron.

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-04-25:Chers Messieurs,"Yukichi Hukuzawa", portrait d'un billet de 10 000 yens, le "billet de banque" le plus élevé du Japon(1835-1901).Il écrit "Un encouragement à apprendre". Mots célèbres dans "…

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister Wenn ja, gibt es keinen, der "gegen andere Verbrechen im Strafrecht" gestützt wurde, gegen Artikel 70 des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes. "Ich, KinGungaku, ein Diplomat aus den Philippinen, und ein philippinis

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-04-25:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,"Yukichi Hukuzawa" ist ein Porträt einer 10.000-Yen-Note, die die höchste "Banknote" in Japan ist(1835-1901).Er schreibt "Eine Ermutigung zum Lernen". …

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister "Yukichi Hukuzawa" wanted to say that "the difference between people" is not from "nature in one's bones" but from "doing to study or not to study". What do you think, guys? This story will continue tomorrow

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-04-25:Dear Sirs,It is "Yukichi Hukuzawa" (1835-1901) who is the person of the portrait of a 10,000 yen bill which is the highest "banknote" in Japan. He is writing "An encouragement of Learning". …

To President Trump "It is said that heaven does not create one man above or below another man" = Japanese "The heaven does not build a man on a man, not build a man below a man" = Heaven is not made the people on top of people, not made the people unde

To President Trump 2019-04-25:Dear Sirs, It is "Yukichi Hukuzawa" (1835-1901) who is the person of the portrait of a 10,000 yen bill which is the highest "banknote" in Japan. He is writing "An encouragement of Learning". At the beginning o…

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea  However, Japan's judiciary "punished" only foreigners, but did not "punish" "employers". This is clearly against the "rule of equality under the law" And it violates internat

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc. Dr. Lee Yo…

Emmanuel Macron au président français La France est un "top down" qui émet des commandes de haut en bas. Cependant, le Japon est une proposition "ascendante" du bas vers le haut. La racine de la différence entre les entreprises japonaises et les entrepri

Emmanuel Macron au président français 2019-04-24:Chers Messieurs, La France est une "société sur-éduquée". La «société sur-éduquée» crée un fossé entre riches et pauvres.La France est un pays libre et égal.Il est nécessaire de refaire la c…

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister Angenommen, alle Franzosen haben einen Doktortitel erhalten. Dann wissen wir, was die Franzosen als Nächstes tun werden. Franzosen sind "Leute", die gerne "Unterschiede" schaffen. Die Franzosen glauben, dass

Angela Merkel an den deutschen Premierminister 2019-04-24:Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Frankreich ist eine "übergebildete Gesellschaft". Die "übergebildete Gesellschaft" schafft die Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich.Frankreich ist ein freies …

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister  The employment form of the Japanese company is "lifetime employment". The raise is "seniority rank". For example, a high school graduate of 18 years old pays a monthly salary of 160,000 yen.

To Terrisa Mei British Prime Minister 2019-04-24:Dear Sirs, France is a "super-educated society". The “super-educated society” creates the gap between rich and poor. France is a free and equal country. It is necessary to repeat the career …

To President Trump  Dear Sirs, France is a "super-educated society". The “super-educated society” creates the gap between rich and poor. France is a free and equal country. It is necessary to repeat the career in the actual work and to make a "payoff"

To President Trump 2019-04-24:Dear Sirs, France is a "super-educated society". The “super-educated society” creates the gap between rich and poor. France is a free and equal country. It is necessary to repeat the career in the actual work …

Dr. Lee Young-ho, Foreign Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea North Korea should not launch missiles until the end of this year's election in Japan. If North Korea "launches missiles," "The Abe administration will completely win." Last

To the Choson International Youth Travel Agency Dear sirs. Please "forward" this e-mail to Foreign Minister Lee Yong-Ho.This mail is sending every day to the world media, the embassies of various countries, the White House, etc. Dr. Lee Yo…