Entries from 2021-09-01 to 1 month
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-10-01: Dear SirCan "human beings" really "eradicate" the "new coronavirus" with the "corona vaccine"? In "human history," smallpox and rinderpest are the only infectious diseases that have been …
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-10-01: Dear SirCan "human beings" really "eradicate" the "new coronavirus" with the "corona vaccine"? In "human history," smallpox and rinderpest are the only infectious diseases that have been …
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-10-01: Sehr geehrter HerrKönnen „Menschen“ das „neue Coronavirus“ mit dem „Corona-Impfstoff“ wirklich „ausrotten“?In der "Geschichte der Menschheit" sind Pocken und Rinderpest di…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-10-01 : Cher MonsieurLes « êtres humains » peuvent-ils vraiment « éradiquer » le « nouveau coronavirus » avec le « vaccin corona » ?Dans "l'histoire de l'humanité", la variole et la peste bovine s…
To President Biden! 2021-10-01: Dear SirCan "human beings" really "eradicate" the "new coronavirus" with the "corona vaccine"? In "human history," smallpox and rinderpest are the only infectious diseases that have been eradicated so far. B…
To President Biden! 2021-10-01: Dear SirCan "human beings" really "eradicate" the "new coronavirus" with the "corona vaccine"? In "human history," smallpox and rinderpest are the only infectious diseases that have been eradicated so far. B…
To President Biden! 2021-09-30: Dear SirPresident Biden has been giving his allies "anxiety and anger" since his inauguration. Americans are also complaining to President Biden with the "new corona." The Republican Party has denounced the …
To President Biden! 2021-09-30: Dear SirPresident Biden has been giving his allies "anxiety and anger" since his inauguration. Americans are also complaining to President Biden with the "new corona." The Republican Party has denounced the …
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-09-30 : Cher MonsieurDepuis son entrée en fonction, le président Biden a donné à ses alliés « de l'anxiété et de la colère ». Les Américains se plaignent également auprès du président Biden de la …
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-09-30: Sehr geehrter HerrSeit seinem Amtsantritt hat Präsident Biden seinen Verbündeten "Angst und Wut" gegeben. Auch die Amerikaner beschweren sich bei Präsident Biden über die …
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-09-30: Dear SirPresident Biden has been giving his allies "anxiety and anger" since his inauguration. Americans are also complaining to President Biden with the "new corona." The Republican Part…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-09-30: Dear SirPresident Biden has been giving his allies "anxiety and anger" since his inauguration. Americans are also complaining to President Biden with the "new corona." The Republican Part…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-09-30: Dear SirPresident Biden has been giving his allies "anxiety and anger" since his inauguration. Americans are also complaining to President Biden with the "new corona." The Republican Part…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-09-30: Dear SirPresident Biden has been giving his allies "anxiety and anger" since his inauguration. Americans are also complaining to President Biden with the "new corona." The Republican Part…
ボリス・ジョンソン英国首相 へ 2021-09-29:拝啓 バイデン大統領「また遣ってしまった=Hi did it again 」。フランスのマクロン大統領を「怒らせて」しまった。フランスのルドリアン外相は17日、声明を発表した。米国は「米英豪3カ国」の新たな安全保障枠…
ボリス・ジョンソン英国首相 へ 2021-09-29:拝啓 バイデン大統領「また遣ってしまった=Hi did it again 」。フランスのマクロン大統領を「怒らせて」しまった。フランスのルドリアン外相は17日、声明を発表した。米国は「米英豪3カ国」の新たな安全保障枠…
ドイツ連邦 アンゲラ・メルケル 首相 へ 2021-09-29:拝啓 バイデン大統領「また遣ってしまった=Hi did it again 」。フランスのマクロン大統領を「怒らせて」しまった。フランスのルドリアン外相は17日、声明を発表した。米国は「米英豪3カ国」の新たな安…
フランス大統領 エマニュエル・マクロン へ 2021-09-29:拝啓 バイデン大統領「また遣ってしまった=Hi did it again 」。フランスのマクロン大統領を「怒らせて」しまった。フランスのルドリアン外相は17日、声明を発表した。米国は「米英豪3カ国」の新た…
バイデン大統領 へ! 2021-09-29:拝啓 バイデン大統領「また遣ってしまった=Hi did it again 」。フランスのマクロン大統領を「怒らせて」しまった。フランスのルドリアン外相は17日、声明を発表した。米国は「米英豪3カ国」の新たな安全保障枠組み「AU…
内閣総理大臣 菅 義偉 様 2021-09-29:拝啓 バイデン大統領「また遣ってしまった=Hi did it again 」。フランスのマクロン大統領を「怒らせて」しまった。フランスのルドリアン外相は17日、声明を発表した。米国は「米英豪3カ国」の新たな安全保障枠組み「…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-09-29: Dear SirPresident Biden "Hi did it again". It has "angered" French President Emmanuel Macron.French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian issued his statement on the 17th. The United States…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-09-29: Dear SirPresident Biden "Hi did it again". It has "angered" French President Emmanuel Macron.French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian issued his statement on the 17th. The United States…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-09-29 : Cher MonsieurLe président Biden "Salut, je l'ai encore fait".Il a « mis en colère » le président français Emmanuel Macron.Le ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Jean-Yves Le Drian, …
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-09-29: Sehr geehrte Damen und HerrenPräsident Biden "Hallo habe es wieder getan".Sie hat den französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron "verärgert".Der französische Außenminister …
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-09-29: Dear SirPresident Biden "Hi did it again". It has "angered" French President Emmanuel Macron.French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian issued his statement on the 17th. The United States…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-09-29: Dear SirPresident Biden "Hi did it again". It has "angered" French President Emmanuel Macron.French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian issued his statement on the 17th. The United States…
To President Biden! 2021-09-29: Dear SirPresident Biden "Hi did it again". It has "angered" French President Emmanuel Macron.French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian issued his statement on the 17th. The United States has "established" a…
To President Biden! 2021-09-29: Dear SirPresident Biden "Hi did it again". It has "angered" French President Emmanuel Macron.French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian issued his statement on the 17th. The United States has "established" a…
To President Biden! 2021-09-29: Dear SirPresident Biden "Hi did it again". It has "angered" French President Emmanuel Macron.French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian issued his statement on the 17th. The United States has "established" a…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-09-28 : Cher MonsieurLa péninsule coréenne regorge de "festivals de missiles". fou! .."Les 11 et 12 septembre". La Corée du Nord a lancé un nouveau missile de croisière à longue portée. Les lancem…