Japan's Justice in the Dark

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Entries from 2024-04-01 to 1 month

러시아에 대한 경제제재는 서민의 생활을 곤란하게 하는 원인이 되고 있다. 한국 국민도 우크라이나 전쟁의 종결을 요구해야 한다.

2024-04-30 : #한국총선거 #윤석열정권 #레임덕 한국 총선에서 야당 진영이 3분의 2 가까이 의석을 얻음으로써 임기를 약 3년 남기는 윤석구 정권은 렘닥에 빠질 것이라고 일부 한국 언론은 전했다. 야당 진영의 승리의 원인은 '장파'다. 윤석열 대통령의 물…

To President Biden! Inflation is currently threatening the lives of ordinary people all over the world. Wealthy people like President Yoon Seok-yeol will not be hit hard by soaring vegeta-ble prices. The world is full of ``abnormal politicians.''

To President Biden! 2024-04-30: #Koreangeneralelection #YunSeokYeong dministration #lame duckSome South Korean media reported that the opposition party won nearly two-thirds of the seats in South Korea's general election, and that the Yun …

이스라엘이 '핵무기'를 사용하면 러시아는 우크라이나에서 '핵무기'를 사용하게 된다. 이 때, 키시다씨의 방미는 「목을 흔드는, 흥미 없는 무관심한 새」로 맞이하게 된다.

2024-04-29: #영토를 전쟁에서 빼앗는다 #선거공약 #젤렌스키는 고립 '일미 정상회담 후 공동 기자회견' 기시다 씨는 준비된 원고에 따라 약 10분간 발언했다. 반응은 일본의 「시라케토리 음두」를 소개하자. 전쟁이 시작된다는데 미 고관은 '흥이 식는 무…

To President Biden!The next step would be for Israel to attack Iran with a "nuclear weapon." Is Iran procuring "nuclear weapons" from Russia? Or will North Korea supply it to Iran?

To President Biden! 2024-04-29: #Takebackterritorybywar #Electionpromise #Zelenskyisisolated ``Joint press conference after the Japan-U.S. summit meeting'' Mr. Kishida spoke for about 10 minutes according to a prepared script. For a reacti…

Au président Macron   S’il y avait eu une « alliance militaire du G3 », je crois que la « guerre d’Ukraine » n’aurait pas eu lieu. Je pense que « l’alliance militaire du G3 » avait proposé une « proposition d’arbitrage » à l’Ukraine et à la Russie pour

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 28 avril 2024 : édition du dimanche. Chers messieurs,Hier, nous avons parlé de « former » l’« alliance militaire du G3 ». Il a ensuite déclaré que « l’industrie des munitions » se révolterait et qu’il …

To President Biden All people living on earth should live their lives with their human rights protected. The greatest act of ``abandonment of human rights'' is ``war.'' In order to eliminate war, we should form a ``G3 military alliance.''

To President Biden April 28, 2024: Sunday edition. Dear Sirs,Yesterday, we talked about ``forming'' the ``G3 military alliance.'' He then said that the "munitions industry" would revolt, so he would put on a "war show." War shows are the s…

미국은 '미국보다 약한 나라'와 '얼라이언스'하는 것이 아니라 미국과 동등한 '세계에서 톱 클래스의 군사력을 가진 국가'와 '얼라이언스'를 짜야 한다.

2024년 4월 27일: #미국 러시아 중국 #G3 군사 동맹 #전쟁의 공포에서 해방 바이덴 정권과 그 협력자는 아우카우스 등 군사동맹을 강화해 세계전쟁을 준비하고 있다. 트럼프는 바이덴 정권의 군사동맹을 해산하고 '미국·러시아·중국'에서의 'G3 군사동맹'을 …

To President Biden I think Mr. Trump is a businessman, so he knows that it is best for "strong people" to form an "alliance." In the business world, it is prohibited by antitrust laws, but there are no regulations regarding alliances between countries.

To President Biden April 27, 2024: Saturday edition. Dear Sirs,The Biden administration and its allies are preparing for world war by strengthening military alliances such as AUKAUS. Mr. Trump should dissolve the Biden administration's mil…

트럼프는 '내연 엔진'의 '노동자'와 '기존 G/S' 관계자의 일을 지켜 차세대 차량으로의 이행을 '공약'해야 한다.

2024-04-26: #테슬라 #멕시코 국경의 특별지대 #EV를 중국에 수출 드디어 이날이 온다. 트럼프는 “대통령 임기 첫날 전기차 보조금 폐지하겠다고 선거 공약. 미국 테슬라는 “새로운 저가격 EV” 개발 중단. 시대는 하이브리드 자동차 같다. 전기차 보조금 지…

To President Biden! The next-generation car should be an internal combustion vehicle that uses hydro-gen as fuel. “Hydrogen” will be “filled” using “existing G/S.” We should develop a ``method'' in which ``hydrogen cartridges'' are ``exchanged'' in ``G/S.

To President Biden! 2024-04-26: #Tesla #Special zone on the Mexican border #ExportingEVstoChina This day has finally come. Mr. Trump has promised to abolish electric vehicle subsi-dies on the first day of his term as president.Tesla has ha…

Au président Macron Les thèmes majeurs du « processus de fin de guerre » sont « le traitement des criminels de guerre et la question de l’indemnisation », ainsi que la transformation de l’Ukraine en un État démilitarisé et neutre.

*1 2024-04-25 : Cher Monsieur,M. Trump devrait discuter avec M. Poutine de la création d’une « alliance militaire du G3 » entre les trois pays « les États-Unis, la Russie et la Chine » plutôt que de « telles discussions ». "Trois sages, M.…

To President Biden!Trump should first lift economic sanctions against Russia once Ukraine raises the "white flag." Citizens of the world are waiting for this.

To President Biden! 2024-04-25: #Trump #CrimeaandDonbass #cededtoRussia Mr. Trump should discuss with Mr. Putin the creation of a ``G3 military alliance'' be-tween the three countries ``the United States, Russia, and China,'' rather than `…

그런 의미에서 독일과 이탈리아도 '알제리의 특별지대'에 참여해야 한다. 지금, 유럽이 러시아와 전쟁을 하고 있는 것은 「유럽 경제」가 「성장 고민했다」 때문입니다.

2024-04-24 : #NATO 회원국 #러시아를 자극 계속 #러시아의 핵 공격 대만의 화롄현 앞바다에서 일어난 매그니튜드 7.2의 지진 피해는 지진에 대한 대응이 좋고 죽은 자의 수가 적지 않다. 이는 '대만 유사'의 대비가 '도움'이기 때문이다. 프랑스 등 ‘NATO …

To President Biden!I think Europeans are similar to kamikaze members. Europeans do not want to die "inwardly". However, Europeans do not "say or do anything that makes them fear death." I think Europeans are "strong people."

To President Biden! 2024-04-24: #NATOmembercountries #ContinuetoprovokeRussia #Russia'snuclearattack The damage caused by the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that occurred off the coast of Hualien County, Taiwan, was well-prepared and the number …

2024-04-23: 영국이 아랍과 유대 모두에게 상반되는 약속을 한 것이 두 민족주의의 충돌의 싹이 되었습니다.#팔레스타인 난민 #호주특별지대 #이주

2024-04-23: #팔레스타인 난민 #호주특별지대 #이주 이스라엘의 갈란트 국방상은 4월 7일, 가자 지구 남부의 한유니스에 전개하는 부대를 철수시켰다고 한다. 나는 팔레스타인 난민을 호주에 "잠정 이민"으로 이주시키지 않는 한이 문제는 해결되지 않을 것…

To President Biden! With the end of the war and the victory of the Anglo-French allies, Palestine and Jordan became British mandates, while Lebanon and Syria became French man-dates.

To President Biden! 2024-04-23: #PalestinianRefugee #AustralianSpecialZone #Migration Israeli Defense Minister Galant said on April 7 that the military had withdrawn its troops from Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. I don't think this…

To President Biden!

To President Biden! 2024-04-23: #PalestinianRefugee #AustralianSpecialZone #Migration Israeli Defense Minister Galant said on April 7 that the military had withdrawn its troops from Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. I don't think this…

Au président Macron Il est concevable que « l’EI » s’associe à « l’OTAN » pour provoquer le « terrorisme » en Russie.

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2024-04-22 : Cher Monsieur,La « terreur dans la banlieue de Moscou » perpétrée par l'Ukraine (EI) a « attisé » le « patriotisme » du peuple russe. Poutine a « souri » intérieurement. En Russie, le nomb…

To President Biden!Russia needs to ``create'' a ``Kurdish state'' as a buffer state to replace Ukraine. Russia should offer "Donpass in eastern Ukraine" to the Kurds as a "Kurdish state."

To President Biden! 2024-04-22:#NATOeasterninvasion #bufferstatereplacingukraine #creationofKurdishstate The ``terror in the suburbs of Moscow'' by Ukraine (IS) ``stirred up'' the ``patri-otism'' of the Russian people. Putin ``smiled'' inw…

Au président Macron Le "robot polyvalent bon marché" développé à Détroit "devrait" être produit dans une usine située dans une "zone spéciale à la frontière mexicaine". Les semi-conducteurs, cœur des robots, devraient être fabriqués à Détroit.

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 21 avril 2024 : édition du dimanche. Chers messieurs, Plutôt que de faire la guerre, l’Amérique devrait se renforcer économiquement. M. Trump devrait désormais « relancer la Rust Belt ». Détroit devrai…

To President Biden Detroit should "produce" with "workers with American citizenship" to prevent "technology from going overseas."

To President Biden April 21, 2024: Sunday edition. Dear Sirs, Rather than war, America should make itself stronger economically. Mr. Trump should now "revive the Rust Belt." Detroit should become a "city of next-generation cars and AI robo…

Au président Macron Se soucient-ils des habitants de la région du Donbass, persécutés, voire massacrés depuis 2014 ? L’UE n’a pas le droit de dire que la Chine viole les droits de l’homme.

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 20 avril 2024 : édition du samedi. Chers messieurs,La France fournira à l'Ukraine « des centaines de vieux véhicules blindés et des missiles sol-air » pour « soutenir l'invasion de la Russie ». Allez-v…

To President Biden  They say it's an anti-corruption measure, but it's like a war has started because of the corruption in the Ukrainian government. It's probably the same with Biden. It's the same with politicians who go to "Kiu.

To President Biden April 20, 2024: #Ukrainiansoldiers #sameaskamikaze #deaths in vain France will provide Ukraine with "hundreds of old armored vehicles and surface-to-air missiles" to "support the invasion of Russia." Are you still going …

To President Biden  They say it's an anti-corruption measure, but it's like a war has started because of the corruption in the Ukrainian government. It's probably the same with Biden. It's the same with politicians who go to "Kiu.

To President Biden April 20, 2024: #Ukrainiansoldiers #sameaskamikaze #deaths in vain France will provide Ukraine with "hundreds of old armored vehicles and surface-to-air missiles" to "support the invasion of Russia." Are you still going …

Au président Macron L’impact n’est pas minime, dans la mesure où le Japon considérait les États-Unis comme une source prometteuse d’approvisionnement en GNL pour remplacer la Russie. Je me demande ce que fera l’administration Kishida.

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2024-04-19 : Cher Monsieur,En Europe et en Amérique, il n’y a que des « politiciens comédiens ». L’UE se prépare à une guerre contre la Russie. Cependant, la réalité est que les « importations de GNL »…

To President Biden!He is sending out two messages. The United States may suppress Russia's LNG in-dustry with sanctions and also restrict its own exports beyond 2030. . . .

To President Biden! 2024-04-19:#RussianLNG #Indeliblepresence #30%increasecomparedtobeforeinvasion In Europe and America, there are only ``comedian politicians.'' While the EU is pre-paring for war with Russia, it is increasing its LNG imp…

Au président Macron Les jeunes britanniques seront enivrés par les « grands rêves ». Bien sûr, les jeunes « réfugiés palestiniens » sont « fous de joie ».

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2024-04-18 : Cher Monsieur,Trump « doit » « achever » « l’opération visant à éliminer le Hamas »… et dit que c’est « la faute de Biden » si Israël « a subi » une « attaque soudaine ». Trump ne devrait …

To President Biden! 2024-04-18: The British government will be surprised because it is a ``too big project,'' but they will cooperate, betting on Britain's future.#PalestinianRefugees #AustralianSpecialZones #Migration

To President Biden! 2024-04-18: #PalestinianRefugees #AustralianSpecialZones #Migration Trump says ``we should finish'' operation to eliminate Hamas...he says it's ``Biden's fault'' that Israel was attacked by surprise. Trump should not ``…

Au président Macron La France va créer une « zone spéciale » en Algérie. Les entreprises françaises emploient des « immigrés » dans les usines de la « zone spéciale » algérienne.

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2024-04-17 : Cher Monsieur,M. Le Pen en France, M. Poutine en Russie et M. Trump aux États-Unis devraient donner la priorité à la « vie civile » de leur propre peuple et créer un « monde sans guerre ».…

To President Biden! France is accepting immigrants to fill a labor shortage. If so, France should accept my proposal. France will create a "special zone" in Algeria. French companies employ "immi-grants" in factories in Algeria's "special zone."

To President Biden! 2024-04-17: #France #IllegalimmigrantsfromAfrica #Special zoneinAlgeria Mr. Le Pen of France, Mr. Putin of Russia, and Mr. Trump of the United States should prioritize the ``civil life'' of their own people and create a…