Entries from 2021-03-01 to 1 month
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-03-31: Cher Monsieur.Préoccupé par l'isolement de la Chine suite à l'incident de la place Tiananmen, le Japon s'est opposé aux «sanctions contre la Chine».Cependant, de nombreux Japonais souffrent…
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-03-31: Sehr geehrter Herr.Japan war besorgt über Chinas Isolation über den Zwischenfall auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens und lehnte "Sanktionen gegen China" ab.Viele Japane…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-03-31: Dear Sir.Concerned about China's isolation over the Tiananmen Square Incident, Japan opposed "sanctions on China." However, many Japanese people are suffering from the "boomerang"! I thin…
To President Biden! 2021-03-31: Dear Sir.Concerned about China's isolation over the Tiananmen Square Incident, Japan opposed "sanctions on China." However, many Japanese people are suffering from the "boomerang"! I think that a military co…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 30/03/2021: Cher MonsieurLors de l'incident de la place Tiananmen, les autorités chinoises ont choqué la communauté internationale en réprimant le mouvement de démocratisation par la force.Dans l'affai…
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-03-30: Sehr geehrter HerrBei dem Vorfall auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens schockierten die chinesischen Behörden die internationale Gemeinschaft, indem sie die Demokratisie…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-03-30: Dear SirIn the Tiananmen Square incident, Chinese authorities shocked the international community by suppressing the democratization movement by force. In the Tiananmen Square case, Japan…
To President Biden! 2021-03-30: Dear SirIn the Tiananmen Square incident, Chinese authorities shocked the international community by suppressing the democratization movement by force. In the Tiananmen Square case, Japan refused "sanctions …
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-03-29: Cher MonsieurBien que les États-Unis et l'UE aient une attitude stricte envers la Chine, seul le Japon a de la «sympathie» pour la Chine.Le Japon est un pays vraiment pathétique. Dans l'aff…
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-03-29: Sehr geehrter HerrObwohl sowohl die Vereinigten Staaten als auch die EU eine strikte Haltung gegenüber China einnehmen, hat nur Japan "Sympathie" für China.Japan ist ein w…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-03-29: Dear SirAlthough both the United States and the EU have a strict attitude toward China, only Japan has "sympathy" for China. Japan is a really pathetic country. In the Tiananmen Square ca…
To President Biden! 2021-03-29: Dear SirAlthough both the United States and the EU have a strict attitude toward China, only Japan has "sympathy" for China. Japan is a really pathetic country. In the Tiananmen Square case, Japan refused jo…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Boycotts of H & M and Nike in China! For criticism of human rights violations!We, the people of freedom and democracy, should not buy Chinese products.Those who buy Chinese products are accomplices to human rights a…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Boycotts of H & M and Nike in China! For criticism of human rights violations!We, the people of freedom and democracy, should not buy Chinese products.Those who buy Chinese products are accomplices to human rights a…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Boycotts of H & M and Nike in China! For criticism of human rights violations!We, the people of freedom and democracy, should not buy Chinese products.Those who buy Chinese products are accomplices to human rights a…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Boycotts of H & M and Nike in China! For criticism of human rights violations!We, the people of freedom and democracy, should not buy Chinese products.Those who buy Chinese products are accomplices to human rights a…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Boycotts of H & M and Nike in China! For criticism of human rights violations!We, the people of freedom and democracy, should not buy Chinese products.Those who buy Chinese products are accomplices to human rights a…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Boycotts of H & M and Nike in China! For criticism of human rights violations!We, the people of freedom and democracy, should not buy Chinese products.Those who buy Chinese products are accomplices to human rights a…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion Boycotts of H & M and Nike in China! For criticism of human rights violations!We, the people of freedom and democracy, should not buy Chinese products.Those who buy Chinese products are accomplices to human rights a…
Proposal from Japanese March 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,We should militarily counter China with "Quad". And as for economic partnership, I hope that in addition to the "current TPP", "fair economic partnership" will be carried ou…
Proposal from Japanese March 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,We should militarily counter China with "Quad". And as for economic partnership, I hope that in addition to the "current TPP", "fair economic partnership" will be carried ou…
Proposal from Japanese March 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,We should militarily counter China with "Quad". And as for economic partnership, I hope that in addition to the "current TPP", "fair economic partnership" will be carried ou…
Proposal from Japanese March 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,We should militarily counter China with "Quad". And as for economic partnership, I hope that in addition to the "current TPP", "fair economic partnership" will be carried ou…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-03-26: Cher MonsieurLa communauté internationale «tue silencieusement» non seulement les «citoyens de Hong Kong» mais aussi les «citoyens du Myanmar»!La Chine et la Russie ne devraient pas être im…
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-03-26: Sehr geehrter HerrDie internationale Gemeinschaft "tötet stillschweigend" nicht nur "Bürger von Hongkong", sondern auch "Bürger von Myanmar"!China und Russland sollten nic…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-03-26: Dear SirThe international community is "silently killing" not only "Hong Kong citizens" but also "Myanmar citizens"!China and Russia should not be involved in the "Myanmar Army" coup. A m…
To President Biden! 2021-03-26: Dear SirThe international community is "silently killing" not only "Hong Kong citizens" but also "Myanmar citizens"!China and Russia should not be involved in the "Myanmar Army" coup. A monk was shot and inj…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 25/03/2021: Cher MonsieurNous devons prendre des mesures concrètes sur la "question de Hong Kong" par la Chine!Un "message fort uniquement" de la communauté internationale "ignore" tout simplement les …
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-03-25: Sehr geehrter HerrWir sollten in der "Hongkong-Frage" Chinas echte Maßnahmen ergreifen!Eine "nur starke Botschaft" der internationalen Gemeinschaft "ignoriert" einfach die…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-03-25: Dear SirWe should take real action on the "Hong Kong issue" by China! A "strong message only" from the international community simply "ignores" the "Hong Kong citizens"!The international …