Entries from 2021-02-01 to 1 month
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion February 28, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, I oppose the spread of "electric vehicles" because I am worried about the supply of "lithium," which is indispensable as a material for batteries that power electric vehi…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion February 28, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, I oppose the spread of "electric vehicles" because I am worried about the supply of "lithium," which is indispensable as a material for batteries that power electric vehi…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion February 28, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, I oppose the spread of "electric vehicles" because I am worried about the supply of "lithium," which is indispensable as a material for batteries that power electric vehi…
Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion February 28, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir, I oppose the spread of "electric vehicles" because I am worried about the supply of "lithium," which is indispensable as a material for batteries that power electric vehi…
Proposal from Japanese February 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,The Biden administration should "protect" the "workers' jobs" and promote a "decarbonized society" as soon as possible.Specifically, hydrogen is produced from "shale gas"…
Proposal from Japanese February 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,The Biden administration should "protect" the "workers' jobs" and promote a "decarbonized society" as soon as possible.Specifically, hydrogen is produced from "shale gas"…
February 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,The Biden administration should "protect" the "workers' jobs" and promote a "decarbonized society" as soon as possible.Specifically, hydrogen is produced from "shale gas". The by-product "CO2" …
February 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,The Biden administration should "protect" the "workers' jobs" and promote a "decarbonized society" as soon as possible.Specifically, hydrogen is produced from "shale gas". The by-product "CO2" …
February 27, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,The Biden administration should "protect" the "workers' jobs" and promote a "decarbonized society" as soon as possible.Specifically, hydrogen is produced from "shale gas". The by-product "CO2" …
バイデン大統領 へ! 2021-02-26:拝啓、北朝鮮の金正恩総書記は米国との和解を積極的に求めるべきです。米国は北朝鮮を突き放している。論語の言葉「国民の信頼がなければ国家が成り立たない」。中国は北朝鮮の人民を救済することはしない!金正恩総書記が「…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-02-26: Cher Monsieur,Le secrétaire général nord-coréen Kim Jong Un doit rechercher activement la réconciliation avec les États-Unis.Les États-Unis repoussent la Corée du Nord. Les analectes "La na…
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-02-26: Sehr geehrter Herr,Der nordkoreanische Generalsekretär Kim Jong Un sollte sich aktiv um eine Aussöhnung mit den Vereinigten Staaten bemühen.Die Vereinigten Staaten drängen…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-02-26: Dear Sir,North Korean General Secretary Kim Jong Un should actively seek reconciliation with the United States. The United States is pushing North Korea away. The analects "The nation can…
To President Biden! 2021-02-26: Dear Sir,North Korean General Secretary Kim Jong Un should actively seek reconciliation with the United States. The United States is pushing North Korea away. The analects "The nation cannot be established w…
To President Biden! 2021-02-26: Dear Sir,North Korean General Secretary Kim Jong Un should actively seek reconciliation with the United States. The United States is pushing North Korea away. The analects "The nation cannot be established w…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 25/02/2021: Cher Monsieur,Le gouvernement japonais ne peut rien dire quand il s'agit de "questions de droits de l'homme"! La première étape consiste à résoudre le «problème des droits de l'homme» du Ja…
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-02-25: Sehr geehrter Herr,Die japanische Regierung kann zu "Menschenrechtsfragen" nichts sagen! Der erste Schritt ist die Lösung des "Menschenrechtsproblems" in Japan. Für die "U…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-02-25: Dear Sir,The Japanese government cannot say anything when it comes to "human rights issues"! The first step is to solve Japan's "human rights problem,"For "repression of China's Wiggle tr…
To President Biden! Parliament of Canada "Xinjiang Genocide" Resolution! China rebounds fiercelyIOC President Bach should resign! "Sexual harassment" is worse than "female contempt"!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odV5uvX6HM4https://www.jr…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2021-02-24: Cher Monsieur,Le "accrocheur" est la Grande-Bretagne. Les Etats-Unis et le Royaume-Uni sont en contact étroit l'un avec l'autre et se situent à l'avant-garde de la «coopération» sur le «fro…
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-02-24: Sehr geehrter Herr,Der "Blickfang" ist Großbritannien. Die Vereinigten Staaten und das Vereinigte Königreich stehen in engem Kontakt miteinander und stehen an der Spitze d…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-02-24: Dear Sir,Britain is the eye-catcher. The United States and the United Kingdom are in close contact with each other and are standing at the forefront of "cooperation" on the "joint front" …
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-02-24: Dear Sir,Britain is the eye-catcher. The United States and the United Kingdom are in close contact with each other and are standing at the forefront of "cooperation" on the "joint front" …
To President Biden! Crazy Japanese woman! Japanese bribery politics!Sexual harassment of "Seiko Hashimoto", the chairman of the Tokyo Olympics Organizing Committee! Evidence photo!Prime Minister Suga's eldest son "Illegal issue of" enterta…
Au président français Emmanuel Macron 23/02/2021: Cher Monsieur,Pour les Japonais, la «remarque» de «regret» (Ikan) du «Parti libéral démocrate / administration Komeito» est «fatiguée».Je pense que la "base militaire américaine" (base de m…
An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 2021-02-23: Sehr geehrter Herr,Die Japaner sind es "leid, die" Äußerungen "des" Bedauerns "(Ikan) der" Liberal Democratic Party / Komeito Administration "zu hören.Ich denke, die "US-M…
To British Prime Minister Boris Johnson 2021-02-23: Dear Sir,The Japanese are tired of hearing the "regret" (Ikan) remarks of the "Liberal Democratic Party / Komeito Administration". I think the "US military base" (missile base) in the Sen…
To President Biden! "Sexual harassment" is worse than "female contempt"!It is a socially unacceptable act that unfairly undermines the dignity of athletes, stakeholders and all people.You should boycott the "Tokyo Olympics Sexual Harassmen…
ボリス・ジョンソン英国首相 へ 2021-02-22:拝啓、日本は中国の侵略にそなえて具体的な行動を起こすべきです。私は尖閣諸島に「米軍基地」を置くべきだと願う。ミサイル基地だけでもよい。日本政府は米軍に尖閣諸島を貸与するべきです。そして必用な整備を行…
バイデン大統領 へ! 「日米の政府」は尖閣諸島に「米軍基地」を「建設」することを、緊急に「検討」をするべきです。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgBevPOvUNg 2021-02-22:拝啓、日本は中国の侵略にそなえて具体的な行動を起こすべきです。私は尖閣諸島…