Japan's Justice in the Dark

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Entries from 2020-09-03 to 1 day

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 米陸軍特殊部隊元隊員マイケル・テイラー容疑者と息子のピーター氏は「民主主義のヒーロー」だ!「米国のヒーロー」だ!トランプ大統領は2人を「釈放」すべきだ!

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France  "Héros américain"! Le président Trump devrait les «libérer»! Le 7 août, le tribunal de district américain a rejeté les demandes de mise en liberté sous caution de deux hommes du Massachusetts accusés d'avoir aidé

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France 2020-09-03: Cher Monsieur,L'ancien membre des forces spéciales de l'armée américaine Michael Taylor et son fils Peter sont des "héros de la démocratie!" "Héros américain"! Le président Trump devrai…

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin Der Fall von Carlo Ghosn ist ein Verbrechen von mehr Führungskräften und Mitarbeitern innerhalb von Nissan als von Carlos Ghosn. Nissan ist ein Verrat am "Vertrauen" des "Aktienkotierungs" -Systems. Machen Sie Geschäfte mi

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin 03.09.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr,Das ehemalige Mitglied der US Army Special Forces, Michael Taylor, und sein Sohn Peter sind "Helden der Demokratie!" "Amerikanischer Held"! Präsident Trump sollte sie "freigeb…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Former US Army Special Forces member Michael Taylor and his son Peter are “democracy heroes”! "American hero"! President Trump should "release" them! On August 7, the US District Court denied bail claims for two men

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-09-03: Dear Sir,Former US Army Special Forces member Michael Taylor and his son Peter are “democracy heroes”! "American hero"! President Trump should "release" them! On August 7, the US District…

To President Trump Who is Michael Taylor who missed Gone? At the request of the US government, Mr. Taylor was reported to have "brought his child back to the United States," who had been taken "out of the country" by "one parent" many times. However, no

To President TrumpPresident Trump should "fulfill" what you have promised me! Who is Michael Taylor who missed Gone?At the request of the US government, Mr. Taylor was reported to have "brought his child back to the United States," who had…

Who is Michael Taylor who missed Gone? At the request of the US government, Mr. Taylor was reported to have "brought his child back to the United States," who had been taken "out of the country" by "one parent" many times. However, no details of how he

Who is Michael Taylor who missed Gone?At the request of the US government, Mr. Taylor was reported to have "brought his child back to the United States," who had been taken "out of the country" by "one parent" many times. However, no detai…

ゴーンを逃したマイケル・テイラーとは何者か? テイラー氏は米国政府の依頼を受けて、彼は何度も、 「片方の親」によって「国外」に連れ出された「子供を米国に連れ戻した」と報じられている。

ゴーンを逃したマイケル・テイラーとは何者か? テイラー氏は米国政府の依頼を受けて、彼は何度も、「片方の親」によって「国外」に連れ出された「子供を米国に連れ戻した」と報じられている。しかし、彼がどのように「救出の活動」を行ったかの詳細は明らか…