Japan's Justice in the Dark

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Entries from 2023-05-05 to 1 day

May 6, 2023:  #industria_suicide #Electric_Vehicle  #hydrogen_engine_car 'This is industrial suicide': Biden's EV plans could be key to China's global economic dominance. Chinese victory. The hegemony of the United States that Xi Jinping will take after w

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 6, 2023: Saturday Edition. Greetings, #industria_suicide #Electric_Vehicle #hydrogen_engine_car'This is industrial suicide': Biden's EV plans could be key to China's global economic dominance. Chinese victory. T…

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak May 6, 2023: Saturday Edition. Greetings,'This is industrial suicide': Biden's EV plans could be key to China's global economic dominance. Chinese victory. The hegemony of the United States that Xi Jin…