Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2023-10-01 to 1 day

독일 베어복 외상은 지난주 ‘중국 시진핑 주석’을 ‘독재자’로 표현해 중국을 ‘도발’했다.

2023-10-02:배경, #Canada_and_India #Expel_diplomats #Germany_calls_President_Jinping_a_dictator 캐나다와 인도의 판 사이에 바이덴 대통은 "오로오로". 캐나다에서 일어난 저명한 시크교 지도자의 살해에 인도 정부가 관여했다고 하는 트르도 총리의 …

"G7 politicians" are crazy. He may be trying to imitate Mr. Biden, but the United States currently cannot afford to be on the side of an ally. A crisis is approaching the United States. Mr. Trump should “bark.”

To President Biden! 2023-10-02:Dear sir, #Canada_and_India #Expel_diplomats #Germany_calls_President_Jinping_a_dictator President Biden is caught between Canada and India. Prime Minister Trudeau's shocking statement that the Indian governm…