Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2023-12-17 to 1 day

“俄罗斯和乌克兰”与“日本和韩国”类似。 乌克兰认为乌克兰“优于”俄罗斯。 韩国人认为韩国比日本优越。

2023年12月18日:#Ukraine #pro-Russian #conflict 为了结束乌克兰战争,亲美人士应该了解乌克兰诞生的“亲西方”和“亲俄罗斯”团体之间的冲突。 东京大学的学生将提供超级通俗易懂的解释。 “乌克兰冲突”始于2014年。 这就是美国对政变的支持。 结果,俄罗斯吞…

I believe that the involvement of the United States in the Ukraine issue is complicating the issue. I believe that once President Biden leaves the White House, at least the "war" will end.

To President Biden! 2023-12-18: #Ukraine #proRussian #conflict In order to end the war in Ukraine, pro-Americans should learn about the conflict between "pro-Western" and "pro-Russian" groups that was born in Ukraine. A University of Tokyo…