Japan's Justice in the Dark

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Entries from 2023-12-23 to 1 day

'EU'가 우크라이나의 부흥을 지원하기 위해서는 노동자의 이동을 계획적으로 할 필요가 있다. 그렇게 하지 않으면 유럽은 노동력 부족으로 '대혼란'이 되기 때문이다.

2023년 12월 24일: #우크라이나 동부 #쿠르드 나라 #창건 미국은 쿠르드를 잊지 말라. 「쿠르드는 일회용인가」 「미국은 우리를 터키에 팔았다」――트럼프 대통령의 철퇴 선언과 「터키에 의한 침공」의 뒤, 「그런 소리」가 현지의 지인들로부터. . . . 한…

In the end, Ukraine's recovery will be delayed due to a "labor shortage." If we wish for early recovery, we will establish a ``Special Zone for Algeria.'' Then, after a while, the ``temporary immigrants'' should be allowed to ``immigrate'' to Europe.

To President Biden December 24, 2023: Sunday edition. Dear Sirs,America must not forget the Kurds. ``Are the Kurds disposable?'' ``The United States sold us to Turkey.'' - These are the voices I heard from local acquaintances after Preside…

In the end, Ukraine's recovery will be delayed due to a "labor shortage." If we wish for early recovery, we will establish a ``Special Zone for Algeria.'' Then, after a while, the ``temporary immigrants'' should be allowed to ``immigrate'' to Europe.

To President Biden December 24, 2023: Sunday edition. Dear Sirs,America must not forget the Kurds. ``Are the Kurds disposable?'' ``The United States sold us to Turkey.'' - These are the voices I heard from local acquaintances after Preside…