Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2024-02-05 to 1 day

Au président Macron J'ai dit cela avec mon ego japonais. Si les Ukrainiens n’aiment pas la guerre, ils devraient clairement dire « je suis contre la guerre ».

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 06/02/2024 : Cher Monsieur,Le 25 janvier, le New York Times a rapporté, citant des responsables du gouvernement américain, que la Corée du Nord pourrait entreprendre une action militaire sérieuse contr…

To President Biden!Even if North Korea and South Korea wage a proxy war in Ukraine using their own "weapons and ammunition," all they have to do is pretend they don't know. The world is interested in which country's "weapons and ammunition" have better pe

To President Biden! 2024-02-06: #NorthKorea #withinafewmonths #majormilitaryoperations On January 25, the New York Times reported, citing U.S. government officials, that North Korea may take serious military action against South Korea with…