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2017-08-01:Medal of Honor Presentation



Medal of Honor Presentation


Your 1600 Daily:


Today at the White House, President Donald J. Trump will award the Medal of Honor to former Specialist Five James C. McCloughan, U.S. Army. McCloughan will receive the Medal of Honor for distinguished actions during 48 hours of close-combat fighting against enemy forces near Don Que, Vietnam, from May 13 to 15, 1969. McCloughan, then 23 years old, voluntarily risked his life on nine separate occasions to rescue wounded and disoriented comrades. He suffered wounds from shrapnel and small arms fire on three separate occasions, but refused medical evacuation to stay with his unit, and continued to brave enemy fire to rescue, treat, and defend wounded Americans.


President Trump Speaks to Law Enforcement Officials on MS-13
President Trump spoke to Federal, State, and local Law Enforcement Officials on Friday and addressed the work being done to eradicate illegal immigration and rid the country of violent gangs such as MS-13. The President thanked the officers for their sacrifice saying, "You are really special, special Americans. And thank you in particular to the great police, sheriffs, and ICE officers. You do a spectacular job. The country loves you."
Watch the video

Vice President Pence Travels to Eastern Europe
On Saturday, Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence left Washington, D.C. en route to Eastern Europe, where they will be making stops in Estonia, Georgia, and Montenegro. The Vice President will be working to advance President Trump's America First agenda and strengthen our partnerships in the region.
Watch the day 1 video

Celebrating and Honoring American Heroes
Last week was American Heroes Week at the White House, where President Trump was proud to celebrate and honor those who put their own lives on the line every day to protect American lives.
Watch the week in review video

Photo of the Day

Vice President Mike Pence and Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid | Monday, July 31, 2017 (Official White House photo by Myles D. Cullen)


Today, President Trump will present the Medal of Honor to former Specialist Five James C. McCloughan, U.S. Army, for conspicuous gallantry during the Vietnam War. Watch live at 3pm EST. Vice President Pence began his day with meetings in Estonia, and will travel to Georgia this morning.

Coming Up This Week

Tomorrow, the President will participate in an American small business event, The Engine of the American Dream. The Vice President will continue traveling across Eastern Europe to strengthen America's partnerships.

今日、ホワイトホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン2017-08-01:Medal of Honor Presentation


ジェームス・C・マクローファン(James C. McCloughan、米国陸軍)に

勲章を授与する。 McCloughanは、1969513日から15日まで、ベトナムDon Que近くの敵軍との戦闘48時間の間に、功績の勲章を受け取ります。その後、23歳のMcCloughanは自発的に9回の別々の機会に命を落としました傷つき、混乱した同志を救出する。彼は3回の別々の機会に破片と小さな武器の傷を負ったが、ユニットに留まるために医療避難を拒否し、負傷したアメリカ人を救助し、治療し防衛するために敵の火を勇敢に続けた。

















マイク・ペンス副大統領とエストニアのケルティ・カリュライド大統領は、 2017731日(月曜日)(Myles D. Cullenによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)



今日、トランプ大統領は、ベトナム戦争中に目立った装備師のために、元軍事専門家ジェームス・C・マクローファン(James C. McCloughan、米国陸軍)に名誉勲章を贈呈する予定です。午後3時(東部標準時)にライブを観る。ポンス副大統領はエストニアでの会議で彼の日を始め、今朝ジョージアに行く予定です。


