Japan's Justice in the Dark

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Taking a Sledgehammer to a "Poorly Designed" System "The Cotton/Perdue Immigration Plan is a Great Start" - Robert VerBruggen, National Review

Taking a Sledgehammer to a "Poorly Designed" System

"The Cotton/Perdue Immigration Plan is a Great Start"

- Robert VerBruggen, National Review

Robert Verbruggen argues in the National Review that the RAISE Act championed by the White House, and introduced by senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue, addresses two problems in our immigration system: “One, it focuses too little on skills, and two, the part of it that does focus on skills is poorly designed.” He cites an estimate that just 6.5 percent of U.S. immigrants are given their green cards based on their economic merit. “The new RAISE Act would take a sledgehammer to this system, dramatically reducing low-skilled immigration and revamping our system for skilled immigration. It would cut immigration by more than 40 percent immediately, and by half in a decade,” Verbruggen writes.
Click here to read more.


In Investor’s Business Daily, President of the Townsend Group Red Jahncke writes that “illegal immigration on the southern border has plummeted” under President Trump as “the deterrent effect of actually enforcing immigration law” has taken effect.


In Obamacare news, the Chicago Sun-Times reports that insurers on Illinois’ Obamacare exchange have proposed raising rates “by up to 43 percent for Illinois customers” next year. And the New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board writes that the reason insurance companies are lobbying Congress for “bailout” money to prop up Obamacare’s exchanges is because of the law’s “utter failure” to do what it promised.


The Washington Times reports on the positive economic news since President Trump took office, saying the stock market is continuing to hit “all-time record” highs, corporate earnings are “beating forecasts at the highest rate in at least nine years,” unemployment is “near historical lows,” “wages are rising,” and U.S. GDP has improved to “a solid 2.6 percent.”


The Weekly Standard’s Andrew Egger reports on the Senate’s 92-5 vote to confirm new FBI Director Christopher Wray, noting that only five Democratic Senators opposed “the bipartisan vote.”









Taking a Sledgehammer to a "Poorly Designed" System




- Robert VerBruggen、全米レビュー


ロバートVerbruggenは、レイオス法がホワイトハウスによって支持され、上院議員トムコットンとデイビッドパーデューによって紹介された、移民制度の2つの問題に対処しているとナショナルレビューで主張している: "一つ、それはスキルにあまり集中しておらず、スキルに重点を置いているのはあまり設計されていない」と述べた。同氏によれば、米国の移民のわずか6.5%が経済的メリットに基づいてグリーンカードを与えられているという。 「新しいRAISE法は、低熟練移民を劇的に削減し、熟練した移民のためにシステムを改革することで、このシステムに大惨事をもたらします。移民問題は直ちに40%以上、10年後には半減するだろう」とVerbruggen氏は書いている。













ワシントン・タイムズ紙は、株式市場が「過去最高」の高値をつけ続けており、企業収益は「少なくとも9年で最高水準の予想を上回っている」とし、トランプ大統領が就任して以来の積極的な経済ニュースを報告している。 「歴史的低水準近く」、「賃金が上昇している」、米国のGDPは「2.6%高」に改善した。



