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Mail magazine from the White House 2017-10-19   New Tax Code Will Accelerate Financial Growth for Middle Class Workers   “TRUMP DEFEATS ISIS IN MONTHS – AFTER YEARS OF EXCUSES FROM OBAMA”

Mail magazine from the White House 2017-10-19


New Tax Code Will Accelerate Financial Growth for Middle Class Workers



- Editorial Board, Investor’s Business Daily

The editorial board of Investor’s Business Daily writes “For all intents and purposes, ISIS has been defeated,” following the capture of the ISIS capital Raqqa by U.S.-backed forces, and that in nine months, President Trump did “what Obama couldn’t in the previous three years.” Unlike President Obama’s approach of “micromanaging the war” and telling the country that this was “just the nature of the beast,” President Trump showed confidence in his battlefield commanders by giving them “more decision-making authority,” and resolved to loosen the rules of engagement, “freeing up generals and troops to destroy ISIS,” the editorial board remarks. The editorial board concludes that “while Obama preached patience, Trump promised a swift end to ISIS, and then delivered on it.”
Click here to read more


In Veterans Affairs news, The Washington Examiner editorial board praises the Trump Administration’s actions thus far to reform the VA, including firing “more than 1,000” VA staff for misconduct and outlining a new plan to expand options under the Veterans Choice Program so veterans can seek care at more private facilities.


Concerning tax reform, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin writes in The Philadelphia Inquirer that “economic recovery is not an academic exercise,” and “the Trump administration is committed” to faster economic growth and tax reform that will spur a “middle-class miracle.” Mnuchin concludes saying “we need to create massive economic growth in this country so that American families, workers, and small businesses can once again succeed.”


The Washington Post Second Lady Karen Pence’s chosen initiative of raising awareness for art therapy, a “little-known mental health profession that she has championed for years.” It is the issue she will be highlighting as wife to Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady during the Trump Administration.


Regarding Iran, President of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Clifford May comments in The Washington Times that in decertifying the Iran nuclear deal, President Trump “set in motion a process to correct the agreement’s worst flaws,” saying that by making a “tough call” the President has made it possible to put more pressure on the Iranian regime.




I have made an international criminal court (ICC) petition (humanitarian crime by judicial administration), so please have a look!



ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-1019





- Investor's Business Daily編集委員会











税務改革に関して、スティーブン・ミンチン(Steven Mnuchin)財務長官はフィラデルフィア・インクワイアルに、「景気回復は学術的なものではない」と述べ、「トランプ政権はより早い経済成長と「中産階級の奇跡」を促す税制改革にコミットしている。ミヌチン氏は、「アメリカの家族、労働者、中小企業が再び成功するためには、この国で巨額の経済成長を生み出す必要がある」と結論づけている。











