【To White House】<Public mail>
President Trump, please help! Today, the first mail.
2018-01-09: Today's topic is "High-level talks between Korea and North Korea have been decided,
President Trump 's economic sanction policy succeeded,
which basically brings peace to the Korean peninsula I think that will be the chance. "
The content of the e-mail today is as follows.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president. Help me!
According to the Yomiuri Shimbun,
President Trump said at a news conference on the 6th,
"It is a big start" on high-level talks between Korea and North Korea scheduled on Saturday,
and evaluated prospectively.
Mr. Matisse US Secretary of Defense and US Defense Minister Song Eong-ri
on the 5th phone conference confirmed to discuss
only the issue surrounding North Korea's participation
in the Pyeongchang Olympics at a high-level class talks.
However, Mr. Trump said, "I hope that discussions will go beyond the Olympics.
If so, the United States will be involved at the appropriate time. "
If North Korea stops nuclear and missile launch experiments after the meeting,
it seems that it suggested that direct dialogue
between the North and the North could be possible.
Great. President Trump 's economic sanction policy succeeded.
I think that basically it will be a catalyst for peace on the Korean Peninsula.
We hope that North Korea will stop nuclear
and missile launch experiments and trigger direct dialogue between the North
and the North in the event of the talks.
Human rights will move people around the world!
President Trump, Gambare!
Please support humanitarian crimes by the Japanese state.
Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.
President Trump, Gunbare. And please help us! Best regards.
(This e-mail is also distributed to the world media,
embassies in the world, politicians, etc.)
Yasuhiro Nagano
For uncertainties, please contact us!