Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

To President Biden! "Mutant virus" of "delta type" and "mu type" is stronger than "influenza virus".  Therefore, "virus interference" will occur this year as well.  If you take measures such as wearing a "corona mask" to prevent infection with the new cor

To President Biden!


2021-09-23: Dear Sir
Good idea! However, I would like this vaccine to be officially approved 
and released after conducting a "regular clinical trial" rather than an "emergency exception". 
Modelna of the United States announced on September 9 
that it has begun development of a "new vaccine" that requires only one booster vaccination 
and a single seasonal influenza vaccine.

Was "virus interference" happening? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 
the flu season of 2019-20 had 19 million cases and more than 10,000 deaths. 
The number from 2020 to 2021 was the lowest in the world. "The rival Corona was too strong," 
he said. If you are infected with one virus, 
you are less likely to be infected with other similar types of viruses at the same time.

Globally, there have been no influenza pandemics for two seasons. 
In Japan, there were no major influenza epidemics in the two seasons 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.
 (Almost zero). This means that more and more people are not immune to the flu for two years.

One expert denied "virus interference." Not like an expert. 
Infectious disease experts have "decreased" immunity to the flu 
because there was no epidemic last season. 
There is a possibility of a pandemic this season. So he called for "flu vaccination."

"Mutant virus" of "delta type" and "mu type" is stronger than "influenza virus". 
Therefore, "virus interference" will occur this year as well. 
If you take measures such as wearing a "corona mask" to prevent infection with the new corona, 
it will also be a "measure against influenza".
I don't think there will be a "season" to use the "combination vaccine" 
of "Corona and flu" of "Moderna in the United States".
I think that developing a "corona vaccine" easily "promotes the outbreak" 
of a "mutant virus" and should be "avoided".

Continue to NO2...



Part 1 "Rivals were too strong" The reason for the sharp decrease 
in influenza under the prevailing situation of Corona
When the influenza epidemic occurs, the phenomenon 
that the "epidemic" of "RS virus infectious disease" "calms down" is occurring worldwide. 
Mr. Nakayama points out that such "virus interference" may have occurred.
Both the new corona and influenza have similar properties of invading through the nose and throat. 
In the past winter, influenza had no rivals. However, 
it seems that there was little room for the spread of influenza infection 
in "this winter" due to the strong rival of the new corona.
US Moderna launches new corona and influenza mixed vaccine development
February 6, 2020: The National Institute of Allergy 
and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) predicts 
that the 19-20 year influenza pandemic will be the worst in the last decade. 
In 2017-18, when the influenza pandemic was severe, 
the number of infected people was 45 million and the death toll was 61,000.
Expert "Potential influenza pandemic this season" Beware of fall and winter
ttps: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = huEXiePvm5o & t = 278s

I will write tomorrow, too.

The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states 
that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.
Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".
It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized. 
See below for the indictment. (Japanese)
See below for the indictment. (English translation)


Continue to NO3...



Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes of support 
for immigration law violations" in 2010

Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Economic activity should be "returned to normal" even under the "new corona"!
Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!
"SARS virus" has disappeared by "quarantine and treatment" of infected people.
"PCR test" takes time.
We should develop an "inspection system" 
that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.
In certain places tested, "non-infected persons" can return to "normal life" without masks!
It should be developed jointly by each country within a year. 
The "nation of freedom and democracy" should be revived!
See daily posts for details. Or contact us!

"China, Japan, South Korea, America" are "non-human rights allies"! crazy!
"Michael Taylor," arrested by the Japanese government, said he was "abandoned" by the United States!
"Michael Taylor" is the "American hero" 
who rescued the innocent "Carlos Ghosn" from Japan! Americans should "rescue" "Michael Taylor"!
In order to "rescue" "Mr. Michael Taylor", we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products"!
And in order to regain the human rights of the victims of the "immigration law case", 
we should carry out a "boycotts of Japanese products" around the world!

Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!