Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2021-05-29 to 1 day

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion The Biden administration is "crazy" for the "human rights issues" of its ally Japan! The Biden administration "is pretending not to look at the abuse of power by the Japanese government." The US government should take seriously th

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years on the false charge of "immigration law violation". Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political pa…

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion The "human rights issues" of China and Japan come from "discrimination." In China, the "Han" dominate the "other races." The "Uighurs" are one of them. Japan is made up of one "ethnic group". Therefore, Japan has made "non-people"

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years on the false charge of "immigration law violation". Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political pa…

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion In March, a Sri Lankan woman, Wishma Sandamari, who died during detention at the immigration facility, died. Due to this, the government decided to withdraw the "immigration law amendment bill" to review the rules of "detention an

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years on the false charge of "immigration law violation". Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political pa…

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion At the 192nd Extraordinary Diet Session, the "Law to Partially Amend the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act" was enacted. But political parties and MPs don't understand this fact!

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years on the false charge of "immigration law violation". Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political pa…

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years on the false charge of "immigration law violation". Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political parties every day.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 30, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,I have been suing the international community for nearly 10 years on the false charge of "immigration law violation". Of course, I still email parliamentarians and political pa…

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund Japan sollte die Denuklearisierung der "koreanischen Halbinsel" nicht "stören". Von der von Nordkorea und Südkorea im Dezember 1991 vereinbarten "Gemeinsamen Erklärung zur Denuklearisierung der korea

An Ministerpräsidentin Angela Merkel vom Deutschen Bund 23. Mai 2021: Sonntagsausgabe. Lieber Herr,Ich kann verstehen, wie "Afroamerikaner" "asiatische Amerikaner" hassen!"Ostasiaten" sind verrückt!"Südkorea" "greift" Japan "unerbittlich" …

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 23 mai 2021: édition du dimanche. Cher Monsieur, Au président français Emmanuel Macron 23 mai 2021: édition du dimanche. Cher Monsieur,

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 23 mai 2021: édition du dimanche. Cher Monsieur,Je peux comprendre comment les «Afro-Américains» détestent les «Américains d'origine asiatique»!Les "Asiatiques de l'Est" sont fous!La "Corée du Sud" "at…