Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2023-04-10 to 1 day

In casi passati, la Cina non ha indicato il motivo della detenzione. Poiché anche il processo è chiuso al pubblico, la verità sta nella boscaglia. Il "segnalare" dello Yomiuri Shimbun è vero.

11-04-2023: Egregio Signore, #Governo cinese #Violazioni dei diritti umani #Biden #Attenzioni di finanziamento Lo Yomiuri Shimbun afferma che la detenzione di giapponesi da parte del governo cinese è "oltraggiosa" in quanto "applicazione d…

Las afirmaciones de Yomiuri Shimbun. No tiene sentido que la parte china exija unilateralmente a Japón que tome medidas sin explicar específicamente los "actos ilegales" de los japoneses. Sin embargo, el gobierno japonés arbitrariamente "castiga" a los "t

2023-04-11: Estimado señor, #Gobierno chino #Violaciones de derechos humanos #Biden #Alegaciones de financiación El Yomiuri Shimbun dice que la detención de japoneses por parte del gobierno chino es "escandalosa" como "aplicación de la ley…

Ёмиури Симбун утверждает. В США и Европе прогрессирует развязка, ограничивающая торговлю с Китаем. Г-н Си должен признать, что он не может остановить эту тенденцию, если не пересмотрит «юридические процедуры», которым не хватает прозрачности.

11 апреля 2023 г.: Уважаемый сэр, #правительство Китая #нарушения прав человека #Байден #обвинения в финансировании Газета «Ёмиури симбун» заявляет, что задержание китайским правительством японцев «возмутительно» как «правоохранительные ме…

중국과의 무역을 제한하는 디커플링은 '바이덴 정권'이 되고 나서입니다. 그러나 미 하원의 공청회는 중국 기업에서 바이덴가로의 '자금의 의혹'을 '조사'하고 있다.

2023-04-11 : 친애하는 사람, # 중국 정부 # 인권 침해 # 바이덴 씨 # 자금 의혹 요미우리 신문은, 중국 정부의 일본인의 구속은 「인권 침해의 법운용」이, 「눈에 남는,outrageous」라고 말한다. 그러나 일본 정부에 의한 입관법에서 자의적인 중국인에 대…

2023-04-11:美國眾議院表示,有證據表明拜登家族收到了數百萬美元,其中大部分來自中國。 拜登家族從敵國那裡收取巨額諮詢費。 眾議院表示,眾議院“不相信”拜登父子“不會得到任何回報”。

2023-04-11:尊敬的主席先生,#Chinese Government #Human Rights Violations #Biden #Funding Allegations 《讀賣新聞》稱,中國政府拘留日本人的行為“令人髮指”,是“侵犯人權的執法”。 然而,日本政府根據出入境法對中國公民的任意“非法處罰”,本該用“令人…

To President Biden! There are voices in the Republic pointing out suspicions that classified documents found in Mr. Biden's private residence and office were used for profit. "He should be impeached if he was profiting for his family," Mr. Comer said.

To President Biden! 2023-04-11: Dear Sir, #Chinese_Government #Human_Rights_Violations #Biden #Funding_AllegationsThe Yomiuri Shimbun says the Chinese government's detention of Japanese people is "outrageous" as "law enforcement of human r…

 Au président français Emmanuel Macron Comer : M. Biden, qui était vice-président de l'administration Obama, a utilisé sa position politique pour obtenir beaucoup d'argent d'entreprises en Chine et en Ukraine. Il a qualifié "l'exercice d'influence" de M.

Au président français Emmanuel Macron 2023-04-11 : Cher Monsieur,Le Yomiuri Shimbun dit que la détention de Japonais par le gouvernement chinois est "scandaleuse" en tant qu'"application de la loi des violations des droits de l'homme". Cep…

An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz  Die Ermittler untersuchen die steuerliche Behandlung von Geschenken von ukrainischen Unternehmen, bei denen Hunter Direktor war, und Geschenken von chinesischen Unternehmen.

An Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz 11.04.2023: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,Yomiuri Shimbun sagt, die Inhaftierung von Japanern durch die chinesische Regierung sei „empörend“ als „Strafverfolgung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen“. Die willkürlich…

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak At the time, Vice President Biden insisted on taking decisive action, saying, "Mos-cow will pay for its aggression with blood and money." But President Obama didn't agree with the hard line. The American people chose

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 2023-04-11: Dear Sir,The Yomiuri Shimbun says the Chinese government's detention of Japanese people is "outrageous" as "law enforcement of human rights violations". However, the Jap-anese government's …

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak At the time, Vice President Biden insisted on taking decisive action, saying, "Mos-cow will pay for its aggression with blood and money." But President Obama didn't agree with the hard line. The American people chose

To British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 2023-04-11: Dear Sir,The Yomiuri Shimbun says the Chinese government's detention of Japanese people is "outrageous" as "law enforcement of human rights violations". However, the Jap-anese government's …