Expect Trump's State of the Union to celebrate America — and provide a roadmap to the future
“In his first year leading the nation, President Trump has achieved numerous victories and delivered huge benefits to the American people,” Armstrong Williams writes in The Hill.
“The forthcoming State of the Union address will be an important milestone in the Trump presidency,” Armstrong writes. “This address will be an opportunity to outline and discuss the various ways the president has made good on his promises to improve the lives of our people, and to outline his vision for what he will do to restore America to greatness.”
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The Washington Times Editorial Board writes that “anyone, even a Democrat reluctant to say so, can see that the economic state of the Union is pretty good.” The Board notes that “businesses have committed to expansion, paying bonuses and raising wages because of — and they are specific about this — the Trump tax cuts.”
Investor’s Business Daily's Editorial Board writes that while wage growth has been the missing element for the economy in recent years, “thankfully, that's now coming to an end.” The Board explains that we’re now seeing “a wave of pay raises, bonuses and new investments by major corporations fueled by the passage of Trump's tax cuts in December — evidence of a surge in economic growth.”
Kate Rogers reports in CNBC that “fueled by tax reform, deregulation and an upbeat economy, the franchise industry is set for another year of strong momentum.” Rogers notes that for the franchise industry “the Trump Administration's work in removing regulatory barriers and stimulating the economy have helped to encourage growth.”
McClatchy DC reports President Trump has gained momentum on immigration as he “delivers a State of the Union address on Tuesday night and then sends lawmakers marching toward yet another deadline for a DACA deal.” Alex Roarty writes that “immigration has become a wedge between factions on the left — with progressives outlining a strategy of aggressive confrontation while centrists worry about political fallout in red states.”
“The recently approved Trump tax reform package has supercharged business optimism according to global banker UBS,” Paul Bedard writes in Washington Examiner. “UBS said that the combination of a surging U.S. economy, new tax rate cuts, expected infrastructure investments and a significant reduction in regulations has companies, by a two-to-one margin planning to hire more workers and invest more in their companies,” Bedard explains.