Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2020-05-01 to 1 month

To President Trump From such "questions, doubts" to "demo on the Internet" has expanded rapidly. The number of posts with hashtags has exceeded 4.7 million

To President Trump 2020-05-18: Dear Sir,In Japan, the hashtag "I protest the proposed revision of the Public Prosecutor's Law" has been a hot topic on "Revision of the Public Prosecutor's Law" on Twitter. Is it so important to “change” the…

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France Je conviens que le "Cabinet" "dirige les poursuites" "en vertu de la loi". Mais l'énorme "#Net Demo" est "Like"!

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France 2020-05-18: Cher monsieur,Au Japon, le hashtag "Je proteste contre la proposition de révision de la loi sur le ministère public" est devenu un sujet brûlant sur "La révision de la loi sur le procur…

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin Aber die riesige "#Net Demo" ist "Like"!

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin 2020-05-18: Sehr geehrter Herr,In Japan wird über den Hashtag "Ich protestiere gegen die vorgeschlagene Überarbeitung des Gesetzes der Staatsanwaltschaft" über die "Überarbeitung des Gesetzes der Staatsanwa…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister I agree that the Cabinet should "govern the prosecution" "under the law." But the huge "#Net Demo" is "Like"!

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-05-18: Dear Sir,In Japan, the hashtag "I protest the proposed revision of the Public Prosecutor's Law" has been a hot topic on "Revision of the Public Prosecutor's Law" on Twitter. Is it so impo…

 US Republican Senator Tom Cotton (Arkansas) has suggested that international students from China should not be allowed to study science and technology at US universities. In

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 17, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir, US Republican Senator Tom Cotton (Arkansas) has suggested that international students from China should not be allowed to study science and technology at US universities. In t…

米国は「米国民の名誉の回復と損害賠償」を日本政府に要求をすべきです。 中国、日本、韓国は「儒教国」で「人権に対する思想」は同じです。


The United States should request the Government of Japan to "restore the honor of the American people and compensate for damages."

I am fighting the Japanese government for "Me and the Chinese" and "Diplomatic officers of the Philippines".Many Americans were also illegally disposed of by the Japanese government in violation of the "Constitution of Japan and Internatio…

米国では、「千人計画,Thousand Talents Plan」を通じて機微な情報が奪われかねないとして、監視や規制を強めている。 実際、中国の「人材の招致計画」に応募した研究者が、 米軍の最新鋭ステルス戦闘機F35のエンジンに関するデータを中国に流出させた事例も報告されている。

2020年05月17日:日曜版。拝啓、 米共和党のトム・コットン上院議員(アーカンソー州)は中国からの留学生が米国の大学で科学技術を学ぶのを認めるべきではないと示唆した。米国では「千人計画,Thousand Talents Plan」を通じて機微な情報が奪われかねないと…

Many Americans were also illegally disposed of by the Japanese government in violation of the "Constitution of Japan and International Law" in violation of the Immigration Control Act.

I am fighting the Japanese government for "Me and the Chinese" and "Diplomatic officers of the Philippines".Many Americans were also illegally disposed of by the Japanese government in violation of the "Constitution of Japan and Internatio…

US Republican Senator Tom Cotton (Arkansas) has suggested that international students from China should not be allowed to study science and technology at US universities. In

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 17, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir, US Republican Senator Tom Cotton (Arkansas) has suggested that international students from China should not be allowed to study science and technology at US universities. In t…

The United States should request the Government of Japan to "restore the honor of the American people and compensate for damages." China, Japan and South Korea are “Confucian countries” and have the same “ideas for human rights”.

May 16, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,The US "April Employment Statistics" was released, and the unemployment rate reached a record high of 14.7%. I keep saying it many times. President Trump should give US companies a "subsidy" to brin…

The work of American workers increases. This is something even a "monkey" can understand! However, a "factory in the United States" should be a "higher productivity" factory equipped with the latest equipment than a

May 16, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,The US "April Employment Statistics" was released, and the unemployment rate reached a record high of 14.7%. I keep saying it many times. President Trump should give US companies a "subsidy" to brin…

The United States should request the Government of Japan to "restore the honor of the American people and compensate for damages."

May 16, 2020: Saturday version. Dear Sir,The US "April Employment Statistics" was released, and the unemployment rate reached a record high of 14.7%. I keep saying it many times. President Trump should give US companies a "subsidy" to brin…

検察官の定年問題を言うより 検察官の「起訴独占権」の廃止を言うべき。 検察官は たくさんの人を殺害しても起訴されない 日本は北朝鮮以上の 野蛮な国です

2020年05月16日: 土曜版。拝啓、 検察官の定年問題を言うより 検察官の「起訴独占権」の廃止を言うべき。検察官は たくさんの人を殺害しても起訴されない日本は北朝鮮以上の 野蛮な国です アメリカの「4月の雇用統計」が発表され、失業率は過去最悪の14.7%…


2020年05月16日: 土曜版。拝啓、 検察官の定年問題を言うより 検察官の「起訴独占権」の廃止を言うべき。検察官は たくさんの人を殺害しても起訴されない日本は北朝鮮以上の 野蛮な国です アメリカの「4月の雇用統計」が発表され、失業率は過去最悪の14.7%…

I am fighting the Japanese government for "Me and the Chinese" and "Diplomatic officers of the Philippines".

I am fighting the Japanese government for "Me and the Chinese" and "Diplomatic officers of the Philippines".Many Americans were also illegally disposed of by the Japanese government in violation of the "Constitution of Japan and Internatio…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 私たちは中国政府のやることに「ウンザリ」です。 国際社会がどんな証拠を中国に突き付けても中国は認めないだろう。 国際社会は、中国を排除すべきです。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France  Nous sommes «insatisfaits» de ce que fait le gouvernement chinois. La Chine n'acceptera aucune preuve que la communauté internationale mettra sur la Chine. La communauté internationale devrait exclure la Chine.

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France 2020-05-15: Cher monsieur,En Espagne, en République tchèque, en Turquie, etc., il a été signalé que les "produits" "médicaux" "" importés de Chine "étaient défectueux. Même au Canada, «1 million de…

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin Die Stoffmaske, die die japanische Regierung aus China importierte, hatte "Adhäsion" von "Insekten" und "Adhäsion" von "Schimmel". "Virus" ist gefährlich, auch wenn es nicht "Corona" ist.

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin 2020-05-15: Sehr geehrter Herr,Aus China gekaufte medizinische Versorgung ist in Spanien, der Tschechischen Republik, der Türkei usw. defekt. Selbst in Kanada sind "1 Million in China hergestellte Masken" "…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Canada argues that it should build its own supply chain to ensure national security. This is a great opinion. Each country should practice.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-05-15: Dear Sir,Defective medical supplies purchased from China in Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, etc. Even in Canada, 1 million Chinese masks are defective. Canada argues that it should build i…

To President Trump Defective medical supplies purchased from China in Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, etc. Even in Canada, 1 million Chinese masks are defective. Canada argues that it should build

To President Trump 2020-05-15: Dear Sir,Defective medical supplies purchased from China in Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey, etc. Even in Canada, 1 million Chinese masks are defective. Canada argues that it should build its own supply chain t…

I am fighting the Japanese government for "Me and the Chinese" and "Diplomatic officers of the Philippines".

I am fighting the Japanese government for "Me and the Chinese" and "Diplomatic officers of the Philippines".Many Americans were also illegally disposed of by the Japanese government in violation of the "Constitution of Japan and Internatio…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister The United States should return manufacturing from China to the United States. To do so, subsidies should be provided to "corporations that return manufacturing to the United States."

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-05-14: Dear Sir,Under the influence of the "new coronavirus", a major retailer "J Crew" had a "business failure". I think that the cause is "the product is made in China" rather than "the effect…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister The United States should return manufacturing from China to the United States. To do so, subsidies should be provided to "corporations that return manufacturing to the United States." And President Trump should prac

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-05-14: Dear Sir,Under the influence of the "new coronavirus", a major retailer "J Crew" had a "business failure". I think that the cause is "the product is made in China" rather than "the effect…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 アメリカの国民は「彼の嘘」に気がつくはずだ。 アメリカは中国から米国に製造を戻すべきです。 そのためには、「製造を米国に戻す企業」に補助金を支給すべきです。 そしてトランプ大統領は「アメリカファースト」を実践するべきです。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France Pour ce faire, des subventions devraient être accordées aux «sociétés qui retournent leur fabrication aux États-Unis». Et le président Trump devrait pratiquer «l'Amérique d'abord».

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France 2020-05-14: Cher monsieur,Sous l'influence du «nouveau coronavirus», un grand détaillant «J Crew» a connu une «faillite commerciale». Mais je ne pense pas qu'il puisse être vendu car le produit est…

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin  Es ist verrückt für den US-Präsidenten, einen "Made in China" -Geschäftsanzug zu tragen und ein "chinesischer Werbeturm" zu werden. "Amerika zuerst" ist eine Lüge.

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin 2020-05-14: Sehr geehrter Herr,Unter dem Einfluss des "neuen Coronavirus" hatte ein großer Einzelhändler "J Crew" einen "Geschäftsausfall". Ich glaube, ich kann nicht verkaufen, weil das Produkt in China he…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister "Brooks Brothers" is also made in China. It's crazy for the US president to wear a "business suit" made of China and become a "Chinese advertising tower." "America first" is a lie.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-05-14: Dear Sir,Under the influence of the "new coronavirus", a major retailer "J Crew" had a "business failure". I think that the cause is "the product is made in China" rather than "the effect…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister "Brooks Brothers" is also made in China. It's crazy for the US president to wear a "business suit" made of China and become a "Chinese advertising tower." "America first" is a lie.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-05-14: Dear Sir,Under the influence of the "new coronavirus", a major retailer "J Crew" had a "business failure". I think that the cause is "the product is made in China" rather than "the effect…

To President Trump Under the influence of the "new coronavirus", a major retailer "J Crew" had a "business failure". I think that the cause is "the product is made in China" rather than "the effect of

To President Trump 2020-05-14: Dear Sir,Under the influence of the "new coronavirus", a major retailer "J Crew" had a "business failure". I think that the cause is "the product is made in China" rather than "the effect of the new coronavir…