Japan's Justice in the Dark

Please support so that Japan will be governed under the law, fundamental human rights will be protected, and it will become a country complying with international law

Entries from 2020-06-01 to 1 month

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister The Japanese prosecutor is an insane "consciousness" of "Privileged class". "Common sense education" is required for prosecutors. In a "criminal case", "willfulness" is required to "establish a crime".

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-06-26: Dear Sir,The Japanese prosecutor is an insane "consciousness" of "Privileged class". "Common sense education" is required for prosecutors. In a "criminal case", "willfulness" is required …

To President Trump President Trump should keep his "promise with me." A president who cannot keep his promise with the Japanese cannot protect Americans!

To President Trump President Trump should keep his "promise with me."A president who cannot keep his promise with the Japanese cannot protect Americans! 2020-06-26: Dear Sir,The Japanese prosecutor is an insane "consciousness" of "Privileg…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 ボルトン氏暴露本、声明での“拉致”文言 北が拒む! 北は日本に騙されたとの主張!(1兆円を払う約束、しかし日本は全員を返さないので1円も払わなかった)

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France Les parlementaires, les juges, les procureurs, les policiers et les avocats doivent comprendre l'article 31 de la Constitution. Personne n'est "tenu d'être privé de vie ou de

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France 2020-06-25: Cher monsieur,Les parlementaires, les juges, les procureurs, les policiers et les avocats doivent comprendre l'article 31 de la Constitution. Personne n'est "tenu d'être privé de vie ou…

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin Parlamentarier, Richter, Staatsanwälte, Polizisten und Anwälte sollten Artikel 31 der Verfassung verstehen. Niemand muss "des Lebens oder der Freiheit beraubt oder auf

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin 2020-06-25: Sehr geehrter Herr,Parlamentarier, Richter, Staatsanwälte, Polizisten und Anwälte sollten Artikel 31 der Verfassung verstehen. Niemand muss "des Lebens oder der Freiheit beraubt oder auf andere …

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Trump is the "liar" president! Parliamentarians, judges, prosecutors, police officers and lawyers should understand Article 31 of the Constitution.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-06-25: Dear Sir,Parliamentarians, judges, prosecutors, police officers and lawyers should understand Article 31 of the Constitution. No one is "needed to be deprived of life or liberty, or other…

To President Trump Trump is the "liar" president! I asked President Trump for help. It is an illegal “Immigration Law Violation Case” by the Japanese government. I have received numerous email replies from Trump. The content said, "I promise a solution

To President Trump Trump is the "liar" president!I asked President Trump for help.It is an illegal “Immigration Law Violation Case” by the Japanese government.I have received numerous email replies from Trump.The content said, "I promise a…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 憲法や法律が分からない人が立法する!これって可笑しくない? 当然、立法と違う司法行政が行われる!恐怖政治!

拝啓 政治家の皆さま 2020-06-24:拝啓、NHKの人気番組「チコちゃんに叱られる」。5才のチコちゃんが問いかけるます。なんで入管法違反の「長野やフィリッピン国の外交官」は有罪なの?。素朴な疑問に国会議員は答えられますか?知らないでいると、チコちゃ…

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France "Carlos Ghosn" n'est pas coupable à moins qu'un conspirateur Nissan ne soit arrêté.

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France 2020-06-24: Cher monsieur,Programme populaire de NHK "Je suis grondé par Chico". Demande Chico, 5 ans. Pourquoi "Officier diplomatique de Nagano et des Philippines" coupable de la loi sur le contrô…

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin NHKs populäres Programm "Ich werde von Chico beschimpft". Fragt der 5-jährige Chico. Warum ist "Diplomatischer Offizier von Nagano und den Philippinen" des Einwanderungskontrollgesetzes schuldig? ..

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin 2020-06-24: Sehr geehrter Herr,NHKs populäres Programm "Ich werde von Chico beschimpft". Fragt der 5-jährige Chico. Warum ist "Diplomatischer Offizier von Nagano und den Philippinen" des Einwanderungskontro…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Why is "Diplomatic officer of Nagano and the Philippines" guilty of the Immigration Control Act guilty? .. Can parliamentarians answer simple questions?

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-06-24: Dear Sir,NHK's popular program "I'm scolded by Chico". 5-year-old Chico asks. Why is "Diplomatic officer of Nagano and the Philippines" guilty of the Immigration Control Act guilty? .. Ca…

To President Trump Protect freedom and democracy!NHK's popular program "I'm scolded by Chico". 5-year-old Chico asks. Why is

To President Trump 2020-06-24: Dear Sir,NHK's popular program "I'm scolded by Chico". 5-year-old Chico asks. Why is "Diplomatic officer of Nagano and the Philippines" guilty of the Immigration Control Act guilty? .. Can parliamentarians an…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister  Those who pass the bar exam in the “trends and measures” of the bar exam cannot beat the “bureaucrats”. I think Carlos Ghosn's escape was the best way.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-06-23: Dear Sir,"The legal counsel of the Democratic Party (current Constitutional Democratic Party, National Democratic Party)" does not have "legal skills". Therefore, the Diet member cannot d…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 これが日本の「司法」の実態です。 日本の弁護士では、権力者から国民を守ることができない。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France Je pense que l'évasion de Carlos Ghosn était le meilleur moyen.

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France 2020-06-23: Cher monsieur,"Le conseil juridique du Parti démocrate (Parti démocratique constitutionnel actuel, Parti démocratique national)" n'a pas de "qualités" de "loi". Par conséquent, le «dépu…

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin Wer die Anwaltsprüfung in den „Trends und Maßnahmen“ der Anwaltsprüfung besteht, kann die „Bürokraten“ nicht schlagen. Ich denke, Carlos Ghosns Flucht war der beste Weg.

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin 23.06.2020: Sehr geehrter Herr,"Der Rechtsbeistand der Demokratischen Partei (derzeitige konstitutionelle Demokratische Partei, Nationaldemokratische Partei)" verfügt nicht über "juristische Fähigkeiten". D…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister Those who pass the bar exam in the “trends and measures” of the bar exam cannot beat the “bureaucrats”. I think Carlos Ghosn's escape was the best way.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-06-23: Dear Sir,"The legal counsel of the Democratic Party (current Constitutional Democratic Party, National Democratic Party)" does not have "legal skills". Therefore, the Diet member cannot d…

To President Trump I think Carlos Ghosn's escape was the best way.

To President Trump I think Carlos Ghosn's escape was the best way. 2020-06-23: Dear Sir,"The legal counsel of the Democratic Party (current Constitutional Democratic Party, National Democratic Party)" does not have "legal skills". Therefor…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister  I think it was March of "Two times before" of "Election of City Councilors in Chiba City". I consulted with a Democratic city council member. He consulted with Democrats and Diet members.

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-06-23: Dear Sir,"The legal counsel of the Democratic Party (current Constitutional Democratic Party, National Democratic Party)" does not have "legal skills". Therefore, the Diet member cannot d…

To President Trump I think Carlos Ghosn's escape was the best way. "The legal counsel of the Democratic Party (current Constitutional Democratic Party, National Democratic Party)" does not have "legal skills".

To President Trump I think Carlos Ghosn's escape was the best way. 2020-06-23: Dear Sir,"The legal counsel of the Democratic Party (current Constitutional Democratic Party, National Democratic Party)" does not have "legal skills". Therefor…

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 日本を「法の下で統治される国」にしなければならない。ここから、私の「権力者,man of power」との「戦い」が始まる。カルロスゴーンの逃亡は最善の方法だったと思う。

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三 様 この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、特別「公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽告訴罪」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を職権によって握りつぶしました。よって「公訴時効」は停止していま…

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France De là, le "combat" avec mon "homme de pouvoir" commence. Je pense que l'évasion de Carlos Ghosn était le meilleur moyen.

Emmanuel Macron au président de la France 2020-06-22: Chers Messieurs,Le procureur dit: "Qui croit en votre" logique du droit (article 31) "! Personne ne te croit! Je vous infligerai une amende si vous plaidez coupable. Je t'enverrai en pr…

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin Von hier aus beginnt der "Kampf" mit meinem "Mann der Macht". Ich denke, Carlos Ghosns Flucht war der beste Weg.

Angela Merkel an Bundeskanzlerin 2020-06-22: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,Der Staatsanwalt sagt: "Wer glaubt an Ihre" Rechtslogik (Artikel 31) "! Niemand glaubt dir! Ich werde dich bestrafen, wenn du dich schuldig bekannte. Ich werde dich…

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister The prosecutor says, "Who believes in your "logic of law (Article 31)"! No one believes you! I will fine you if you plead guilty. I'll send you to jail if you don't admit." In the end, I was sentenced to 1 year and

To Boris Johnson British Prime Minister 2020-06-22: Dear Sirs,The prosecutor says, "Who believes in your "logic of law (Article 31)"! No one believes you! I will fine you if you plead guilty. I'll send you to jail if you don't admit." In t…

To President Trump  I think Carlos Ghosn's escape was the best way.The prosecutor says, "Who believes in your "logic of law (Article 31)"! No one believes you!

To President Trump 2020-06-22: Dear Sirs,The prosecutor says, "Who believes in your "logic of law (Article 31)"! No one believes you! I will fine you if you plead guilty. I'll send you to jail if you don't admit." In the end, I was sentenc…

In a global society, "non-interference in domestic politics" does not work. Each country should emphasize economic sanctions and "make the violating countries comply" with the "international rules."

June 21, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,Prime Minister Shinzo Abe indicated that he would lead the creation of a joint statement by the "G7" over the introduction of "national security legislation" in China by Hong Kong. At the same time, …

トランプ家はドイツ移民ですよね。インド北部のアーリア人は半分は南下してインド国を作る 。 半分は西へ行き、 ドイツなどを作る。 ナチスはアーリア人の血を引いていることを誇りにする。 

トランプ家はドイツ移民ですよね。インド北部のアーリア人は半分は南下してインド国を作る 。半分は西へ行き、 ドイツなどを作る。 ナチスはアーリア人の血を引いていることを誇りにする。 カールバンは運命論を言う。 ベートーヴェンは運命を作曲する。 イ…

At the same time, I would like France and the United States to lead the joint statement by the "G7" on the human rights violations by the Japanese government for immigration violations.

June 21, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,Prime Minister Shinzo Abe indicated that he would lead the creation of a joint statement by the "G7" over the introduction of "national security legislation" in China by Hong Kong. At the same time, …

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe indicated that he would lead the creation of a joint statement by the "G7" over the introduction of "national security legislation" in China by Hong

June 21, 2020: Sunday version. Dear Sir,Prime Minister Shinzo Abe indicated that he would lead the creation of a joint statement by the "G7" over the introduction of "national security legislation" in China by Hong Kong. At the same time, …

土曜版。拝啓、アメリカ国民は立ち上がるべきだ! 米国民は自由と民主主義の米国を復活するべきだ!アメリカを中国や日本のような「独裁国家」にしてはいけない!

「トランプのやっていること」は 「習近平」や「安倍晋三」のやり方と同じだ!トランプが米国民の支持を得られるはずがない。フランスはアメリカに「新しい自由の女神」を贈るべきだ! 2020年06月20日: 土曜版。拝啓、アメリカ国民は立ち上がるべきだ!米国…